Matiya, a tribal man of 52, Kulathur, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, was living on a piece of land which was completely abandoned for living as there were no basic facilities with regard to peaceful sustainability of life. He along with his wife used to walk miles after miles in search of shelter under the trees as the sun will not be giving them ease during the day.
By that time, they decided to plant a few trees in order to escape from the terrible heat.
Initially, six trees were planted surrounding the corners of the hut. Gradually it multiplied into fifteen. The change attracted the tiny little creatures to come and live along with them. Subsequently, the flock of birds befriends Matiya by brin
ging them a variety of seeds and the number of trees increased to sixty.
The total surrounding area became green in colour. Now that it attracted many tribes to relocate themselves to the peaceful location and formed a community.
Matiya's small initiative of planting trees is now converted to a huge village exclusively for tribal people. All the tribes together planted several trees and created a wide area of forest. Viewing at distance the 635 acres of land was covered with full of trees where the sun cannot enter it. The small turmoil of Matiya a tribal hero coloured the underdeveloped part of India into GREEN!!!