The sketch
Of that autumn scenery
Wasn't the one I made for praise
It happened to me and beautiful
It was as they say,
But they asked me to erase.
Because to erase was easy,
To continue being in greys and blacks wasn't.
I wrote my first love poem in class eighth
And I got the praise
But I was asked to erase.
As love is not what
I should chase and I had to erase.
Erase they said, years later
Your kajal, because it isn't meant for ideal girls.
You better put it to sync your sindoor.
And I erased, not because I agreed to what they said,
But because I didn't know how to put it rightly in place. And so I erased.
I having no knowledge of the beauty that I had,
Was in between the chaos of the mascara and all beauty trades.
Never did I know, there were B to H shades of sketch pencils
Because I erased my parts years before.
But I demand an overhaul.
I demand all the kohl,
All the spectrums of pencil leads.
I demand my words to crawl.
I now never erase.
I won't let them erase me once again.
I'll spill all the ink, but would never commit the jinx.
I won't tell them, that I write.
I won't erase my right.
Like a half eraser, I'll keep on working tight.
This eraser will one day make a life,
Out of pencils, inks, and eyeshadows.
But I'll keep an eraser with me.
To tell them, I can erase, but I won't. Never.