Rahul Mohne



Rahul Mohne




2 mins

At a corner of her heart, there was a constant companion dwelling around. Not a moment could she experience when she felt not deprived of and what was that for when your heart was content with immense love and joy. It should be a void nurtured within by putting altruistic colors in other lives. Despite that her world had its own share of ups and downs, she vicariously engulfed in his innocent charm. 

It almost had been two months now. It was she who would take care of him since dawn to dusk. Difficult to understand who was getting pampered, him or the child within her. There was a tacit connect of affection and that was obvious. It had its thread woven in her delight in getting him bathed, fed, sit, walked, cleaned and so on. She would talk to him all these days both useful and inane. His smile and babbles would mesme

rised her with the fragrance of his charm. 

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon. She had an evening train to catch. She packed her belongings and wrapped up routines early that day. She didn't take the afternoon siesta to spend time with him. He was humming and playing with her mangalsutra on her lap. She was silently watching his face. He would look at her intermittently, raise his hand to show the mangalsutra and chatter indistinguishably. Her silent adoration pushed the void a little and she choked. Tears rolled over suddenly and fell on his cheeks. After the rain was over it was like the last drop slipping over the leaf in the pond to break the serenity and the ripples were the expression of the pleasure. He laughed badly looking at her innocently. The silence got broke and again the void got filled affectionately. She smiled.

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