Mahin Qureshi

Children Stories Classics Fantasy


Mahin Qureshi

Children Stories Classics Fantasy

Treasures Of Titanland

Treasures Of Titanland

7 mins

Once, Caption Rude was one of the most famous captains in the world. He was a captain cum pirate. He used to sail all over the seas and oceans. He lived and ruled in Titalnland: A famous island of Rude's time. Rude was a tension-free man and opposed thinking too much but as his age started to increase he had a very big confusion and that was that after Rude passes away what will be the treasure he collected utilized for? What will be the use of the collected treasure? Who will use the treasure as he was not having any children? What if someone with bad intentions uses his treasure? Every day Rude started to think and think about his problem. After thinking too much finally Rude got an idea and he wrote a book called, " The Rule Book Of Titanland". In the book, he mentioned everything, each and every rule for Titanland. He took the help of a famous and well-known magician: Arcidi who helped Rude to turn the book magical. Rude took 2 years to complete the book. Now, the book was ready with Rude's rules and Arcidi's magic. The book now was containing all the information and rules of Titanland but the most important thing which was mentioned in the rule book was, " As soon as the ruler, the maintainer of Titanland, Rude dies the Rule Book will magically fly over with the magic of Arcidi and reach the next ruler of Titalnland and the person whom the book reaches will be the real deserver to be the king of Titanland and he'll be in light to the treasure of Titanland and he must utilize the treasure for the development of Titanland and help residents of Titanland." These words were the golden words of the Rule Book.

 Years passed on and the story of Captain Rude came to an end, he died leaving his Titanland's ruler's place empty for the next captain cum ruler of Titalnland. As mentioned because of Arcidi's magic the Rule Book flew and flew and finally reached the new captain: Captain Bone-in Slumberstone Island. Captain Bone was on a tour on the Arabian sea and as it was then too late night he decided to spend the night on a nearby island: Slumberstone. Bone spent his night on the island. While Bone was resting he saw a book near him. Bone was unaware of how the book came to him, Bone immediately felt curious and opened the book. When Bone started reading the book, he was very happy that there was a captain who loved his land. Bone read the whole book and thought, " In this book, it's written that this book will reach the next desired captain of Titanland with Arcidi's magic so am I the next captain of Titanland? " He thought and thought and understood Rude's problem, he was very kind and made a decision that if the magical book has chosen him to handle Titanland and utilize the treasure as its real handler Rude said so he would surely like to visit Titanland. Bone on the next day started his journey for Titanland from Slumberstone Island. Till night, Bone reached Titanland. Bone opened the Rule Book and started searching for the map which would take him to the treasure. In the book, Bone saw something written with an important mark on it. Bone started reading it, " • There are many enemies of me that is captain Rude, those people want to capture my Titanland and use my treasure for undesirable works so if by chance well I know it's impossible but if by chance this book goes in wrong hands then it would destroy my whole Titanland so, whoever gets this book may be the next handler of Titanland has to pass some obstacles to reach the treasure, as the real captain doesn't run away from obstacles and this is basically the test of you to test if you're really eligible for Titanland or not, So Go and Find the Treasure and pass the Obstacles:)•" Bone read all this and became alert because anything could happen with him. Bone then saw a map on the next page of the book which was the" Map To The Treasure Of Titanland." Bone started following the map. After walking for nearly 20 minutes, Bone saw a cross sign on the ground, as soon as he saw the mark, he stopped. And took a big stone with all his might which was lying down and kept it on the cross sign. And suddenly a cage dropped from somewhere on the huge rock. Bone said to himself, " Hmm.

Rude has really worked hard so that a true person should handle Titanland, Now I need to be more alert." Saying this he continued to walk further. After some time, Bone saw a complex machine system that was looking like it should be used to travel nearly 1 km while just sitting on it or without any struggle and without troubling your legs. Bone thought something which was completely different, something which no one would think, he took out his jacket and took another heavy rock and wrapped it inside the jacket and kept it on the stand which was for the person to sit. And what happened... Another cage fell on the stand and once more Bone was safe!! He continued his way to the treasure. Then Bone saw a handle and thought, " What's this? Let me check if something is there in the book." Bone checked the book and found a page regarding the handle. It was written that " Pull the handle. Well, my favorite line is don't trust anyone what's yours? " Bone understood what Rude was trying to write and yes he was warning that don't pull the handle. Bone done the same and didn't paid attention to the handle and started to continue his journey. And suddenly Bone saw that a page of the rule book automatically opened and it was written," That was quite intelligent and yes! You got it as I said don't believe or trust anyone and you're safe but if you had pulled the handle then I'm sure you know what would have happened. Anyways you've cleared all your tests and finally here's the treasure. Can't find then go digging where you're and you'll surely find it and Ya best of luck for handling Titanland." And as soon as Bone completed reading these words the book disappeared. Bone started digging his nearby area as written by Rude in the book and Binge!! Bone found the treasure in a small box. But, the treasure was so much that it would fit in a king's castle but wondering how? As told earlier it was also because of Arcidi's magic, because Rude wanted that his immense treasure would fit in a small box and Arcidi did the same. Bone finally found the treasure now. And suddenly a soul came near Bone and it was the soul of captain Rude. The soul said, " Very good, Captain Bone I'm proud of you. You are really a deserving captain of Titanland but remember use this treasure for Titanland, not for anything else. " Bone said," Thanks Captain Rude, and of course I'll use this treasure for the development of Titanland but I need to say you really have worked very hard for your Titanland and for the next captain of Titanland too. " Soul said," Yes because Titanland is everything for me and I can do everything for it. Now you're the next handler of Titanland: Captain Bone of Titanland. But make sure to handle Titanland as I used to. " And the soul disappeared. Bone now was the captain of Titanland and as Rude said he utilized all the treasure for the development of Titanland and also to help the people of Titanland. Bone thought that if Rude was seeing him from heaven them he would really be so happy. And years went on and Bone took care of Titanland forever very nicely just like Captain Rude. 

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