The World Inside
The World Inside

The world sometimes gets really tiresome. I always shudder a little at the thought of “the real world”. It seems too ominous.
It sounds treacherous. Full of booby traps. I don’t want to be bamboozled anymore!
I’ve heard people talk about these things called bills, banks, politics, relationships, money, parenting, skill-building, and many other scary stuff.
It’s all way too much to wrap my head around at the moment.
And so, I decided to go on vacation. A mind vacation. And I had the perfect travel destination in mind.
My inner universe.
Sure, you and I’ve always been acquainted with it, haven’t we? But have we explored it?
Close your eyes and let your mind wander to the depths of your imagination. Let your creativity run wild. WILD.
Don’t be afraid. Whatever is lurking in there was created by you!
Why don’t you take a tour around your own creation?
I open my eyes into deep blue skies and a Moon bigger than ours back on Earth.
Seems like what I would call a dream.
It smells like coffee here. I sit up happily. If this place smells like coffee, it’s legit enough for me.
I’m sitting on a grassy island. And…it’s floating…in mid-air. We’re sailing along the sky. There’s endless sky above and even more below.
I see a few more islands here and there. It’s like a little airport in the sky, but for floating islands.
My island is relatively small…it’s only as big as a house. There are a few trees growing here, towering high over me.
Somehow, I know it’s always night here. This is a nighttime paradise. It’s cold, but not too chilly.
The giant moon makes it easy for me to see in the ni
ght. I somehow know it’s smiling at me though it doesn’t have a face.
I smile back.
The clouds are white and puffy although it’s night. They seem to be aware of my presence and look as though they’re talking with each other.
One of them runs right into my island and for a moment, I can’t see anything. Then as my island is out of the cloud again, I feel the puffy laughter of the cloud.
I see a flock of birds flying along the horizon. Three of them notice me and discuss awhile, after which they decide to come right in my direction.
Those aren’t birds, I realize as they approach me. They’re sea rays. Flapping their fins and letting their long tails float freely behind them.
One of the smaller ones circles me in delight while the other two fly along my island, concerned.
Suddenly, one of the bigger ones suddenly winds its tail around its baby’s and they fly off. I see the baby stare at me as the three of them fly off, still curious at Papa’s sudden reaction.
Then I see something rise on the edge of my island. Whatever it is, it’s huge.
I freeze. I can’t run away anywhere. I…I don’t know what happens if I fall out of the island.
The figure rises until I see a pair of dark purple eyes stare curiously at me. It has horns on its head and looks curious, just like the sea ray.
I sit there, too frightened to move.
The purple eyes blink slowly and then sniff around the island. After a minute or two, it flops its head on the edge of the island. And sticks its tongue out.
I think it’s trying to be friendly, but I’m outright horrified if its giant proportions.
I back off a little. It tries to reach for me with its tongue. I take more and more steps backward.
And finally, I find myself falling off the island.
I sit up, laughing at myself.