Tejaswini Chandane

Children Stories Drama


Tejaswini Chandane

Children Stories Drama

The Window and the World

The Window and the World

2 mins

          Today Genial did not touch the chocolate her mother had left for her. The chocolate that she always enjoyed crossing boundaries for. She scrubbed her hands with soap and then the sanitizer before eating the needed green vegetables. After remembering her teacher advising them, “The invisible microorganisms and germs are present everywhere in everything you do!” in the science class ‘Green vegetables will never harm your health unlike the harmful junk food’.

          In the Social Science class, the article headed ‘Thousands killed in the Flood, the Government has not done anything’, she couldn’t even end reading it. Looking at how people have even forgotten humanity for the sake of religion, she sighed deeply and went to her bedroom.

          Before going to bed, she hugged her dog as firmly as she could, as if he would never come back and said, “I am tensed if you also, like other animals become an instrument to be played

for the human desire. Never leave me alone dear.”

          When her mother came back she sighed at Genial with unusual concern, “Genial is no more open-minded and carefree girl, she with her new knowledge has started looking at the world around.”

          As Genial was heading towards her bus from school she seemed walking quietly. She sat near the window and opened it.

          With the open window, she could see the trees and mountains very clearly from, gave her a lot of dust, while the once closed blur window seemed to be much more protective giving no dust.

          Genial realised that the bus she stood on was there only after a thousand trees were sacrificed and so she closed the window and slept. Now, with no skepticism. 


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