The Two Ghosts
The Two Ghosts

Late one night, Dr. Brown was returning home just after visiting a patient. It was raining so heavily that the doctor could barely see anything. Suddenly, his car broke down. It was late and there was nobody on the streets.
Dr. Brown thought that he had to spend the night in his car. Just then, he saw a light in a distance. "Oh, a house! " said the doctor happily. "Maybe there I could get some food and shelter for the night". When Dr. Brown knocked, an old man opened the door. He gave him food
and shelter for the night.
The next morning when Dr. Brown woke up he saw that man was not in the house. "That old man must be a ghost," he thought and running as fast as he can away from the house.
The truth is that the old man had just stepped out to buy milk. When he returned, he was shocked to see that the house was empty. "Surely the visitor from the later night was a ghost", he thought. Both Dr. Brown and the old man told their friends how they had seen a real ghost.