Children Stories Drama Fantasy



Children Stories Drama Fantasy



4 mins

      In a small village, there lived a little girl with her mother. She was named Leia. She was a naughty girl with a dusky tone. She also had a naughty friend Clara. Clara and Leia's mother looked pretty. Leia was worried about her skin tone and she admired both her mother and Clara. She had a habit of watching fantasy programs, after watching the program she used to see herself in the mirror and she imagines herself as one of the prettiest characters from the fantasy. This made her worry about her appearance and skin tone. 

     One day her mother noticed everything and she tried to convince her about her inferior thoughts but she still felt worried. Her mother felt very bad about her daughter's inferiority complex, so she planned something to bring her out of it. Suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, she planned to do something on her birthday. One day she went shopping for her daughter's birthday and found a pair of pretty Red Sandals. She bought that for her daughter. On the day of Leia's birthday, her mother presented the pretty shiny Red Sandals. 

      She had opened the gift and she was happy to see the pretty shiny Red Sandals. Her mom told how special the Red Sandals were she told her that the Red Sandals were gifted by God on her birthday. Leia was surprised to know God gifted her and she wants her mother to explain what had happened. Her mother started to explain that on the birthday eve God appeared in front of her and said, " your daughter Leia is always worried about her appearance which made me worried too, so I bought a gift a pair of Red Sandals for her birthday. Give this to your daughter and also say to her that whenever she wears it she will look very pretty but she should believe that 'she is pretty' while wearing it". Leia was very happy to hear the words of God through her mother immediately Leia started to wear the Red Sandals with full of hope and asked her mom, " Am I Pretty? ". Her mother replied that she was looking gorgeous in that Red Sandals. Leia felt very much happy after hearing the compliment from her mother. She can't able to wait to see herself in the mirror, so she ran towards the mirror and stood in front of it, and admired how pretty she is after wearing the Red Sandals. With so much happiness she started to scream and dance, "I'm prettiest too..." From that, she always started to wear Red Sandals and admires herself in front of the mirror. 

      Days Later, one fine day as usual she was playing and drawing with Clara. After few minutes she went to admire herself in front of the mirror and as usual, she felt she was the prettiest one but after a while, she noticed that she had not worn the Red Sandals. She was shocked at the same time she was surprised that she looks prettier even without the Red Sandals. She ran to her Mom screaming, "Mom, Mom look what had happened". Her mom asked, "what happened why are you screaming?" Leia replied, "Look, mom, I look prettier even without the Red Sandals". Her mother smiled at her and replied, "My dear sweetheart, these Red Sandals were not given by God and it was my gift to you on your birthday". And she also revealed that, everything which she said on Leia's birthday was just an imagination to make Leia come out of her inferiority complex. She also convinced Leia by saying, "My dear baby, beauty does not belong to our outer appearance it belongs to our inner appearance. People will also never mind one outer beauty whereas we will be valued by our inner beauty, one should enhance his or her inner beauty than their outer beauty". 

      Leia's mother hopes that now her daughter would understand what beauty means Leia also understood what really beauty is. She apologized to her mother that hereafter, she will not worry about her appearance and she also promised that she will try harder to enhance her inner beauty even more. After hearing these words from Leia her mother felt very much satisfied that finally, her daughter understood what real beauty is. From there they both happily lived their life.

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