Aryan Goswami



Aryan Goswami


The Intense I : Gravity

The Intense I : Gravity

4 mins

When I entered my house every one of my family members jumped on me because there was a plane accident and my parents thought I was on that plane though I wasn't my parents were very worried. I forgot to introduce my self I'm Peter Jackwood, I am a 16-year-old child who goes to an international school. I had gone to France to visit my relatives who live there for my holiday which was 40 days. I was happy I was back to my house and I can continue my YouTube channel as I upload on it every day. As I wasn't such a famous person I didn't have many subscribers and I however didn't show my face so it really didn't matter. I didn't have many friends maybe like a few, okay fine I had only one but he was the best person who came into my life, his name was Neil Halson. He is the smartest person I know and he is expected to be smart as his father was the smartest teacher in the whole country. I mean he earned billions due to his educational programs. I was surprised that he was attending school today because he texted on my phone that he was pretty sick. I think he wasn't joking that he had a cough since the whole science class; he was coughing, as everyone excluding me was disturbed I felt bad that he couldn't attend the class, as the teacher Ms. Brown had called his parent to take him home but he had actually stayed at my home as his father was very busy and his mother... well hadn't been there since he was 2 so his father was the only one. I was still sad for him and his mom. I soon, when the school was over, started running to my house as I surprisingly thought I would reach there faster than the bus but that didn't become true as I arrived 5 minutes late. I then rushed into my room where Neil was sitting just fine; I guess my mom's home remedy actually works on him but not me. We both completed our home works and talked for a long time until it was time for his dad to come and pick him up.

When I woke up the next morning I did my chores and got ready for my school and I was excited as I realized on my way to school that today was our field trip

to the museum whose name I forget every time. When I almost reached school, someone almost dashed me with their bike. When I actually arrived at school I then began to float a little, I was so panicking that I tried to run to my homeroom but I couldn't as it would only float like 3 centimeters on width slowly and I then immediately had an immense fall on the ground. I ran into my homeroom but I then started feeling weird and then before I know it I was stuck on the ground and felt like the gravity was increased. I got up and felt normal again. I pretended nothing like the weirdest thing in the world had just happened to me, as I was late; I sat on my bench with Neil and started to take my books out from my bag. As I remove all books and keep them on my desk, I did so and I found that something was in my bag that was glowing and a cube in shape, also that when I was coming to school my bag was open. It was glowing bright, bright like magnesium when it burns but if it were magnesium then it would've already burnt my bag and the books in it. So I decided that I'll figure it out later than when I and my friend Neil were coming home I told him everything that happened, at first he didn't believe me but then when I showed him the mineral or substance I found or got. We both examined the material and couldn't find out anything about it. As it remained a mystery, I slept and had a weird dream I had dreamt of me when I was older and so was Neil, and we were in OUTER SPACE. I even was on a planet where I had put a flagpole down. The Planet had enough living beings and enough people on it and suddenly I was older and I had a son.

I was very confused by this dream because usually, I don't have dreams. I then did my daily routine and started walking to school. I was again floating and I realized that I forgot to take the mysterious thing out of my bag and started thinking that the gravity going haywire on may have been the mysterious substance. I thought.............

Congratulations you've made it through chapter 1. More coming soon.

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