The Galactic Space Adventure
The Galactic Space Adventure

Aaron wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock ringing. He has school on weekdays and has three friends. They are Benjamin, Dhruv, and Michael. They all had become friends because of having the same opinion, that they had the worst lives ever. But none of there new that their lives were going to change forever. They were walking down Pepe street when suddenly all the street lights disappeared. "Hey! What happened to the lights?" snapped Michael. "Chill guys the power must have gone out," replied Dhruv. Then suddenly a bright light blinded them and they felt themselves get swept off their feet and they fell asleep.
When they woke up they found themselves in a place like a hospital. They were wearing oxygen masks. Suddenly a creature with blue skin, four eyes, and hands of that of a human but they were bigger with almost 13 fingers each at a different size. "How are you all feeling now?" asked the creature. They all screamed beat up the alien and ran out into the open. The kids were astonished by what they saw.
"Whoa! Where are we?" asked Benjamin. They were staring at a vast landscape with a hilly terrain but the ground was purple. "Purple... I love purple!" exclaimed Aaron. "Really purple, I like Green," said Michael. "Whatever, but first of all where are we?" asked Benjamin. "I don't know, but remember the alien we saw. I think they brought us to their planet," exclaimed Michael. "Really? Then let's find our way back home," said Aaron. The children walked for about an hour in the hot sun. Then they found a relief camp. They were about to enter when suddenly they were pulled onto a UFO and
zoomed away.
When they got up again, they found themselves face to face with many aliens. They tried to scream but the aliens stopped them. "Hello, human's we are the blue mongrels of planet Beta. We have brought you here as we need your help," said a tall alien about 7 foot tall. "Why do you need us to help you?" asked Michael. "Well are arch enemies, the red mongrels are becoming too strong if we don't stop them the whole planet will be destroyed." said another alien with half-broken glasses. " So why us?" asked Dhruv who had been silent until now. "Well you guys are genuine fighters so we wanted you to help." said the tall alien. " Ok fine what do we get to fight with?" asked Aaron.
The aliens take them to their gun room which was filled with weapons from laser blasters to sound emitters to keys of some of the best UFOs that they had. "Were in!" exclaimed Aaron. Once they were all loaded they rushed to the battle field. There were about sixteen aliens sent in with them making it a team of 20. There were also 20 red mongrels on the opposite team. "Now die in our hand's blue mongrels." said one of the red mongrels. Then the battle began. The struggle went on for about 3 and a half hours.
Once it was done all the red mongrels were dead and 3 blue mongrels were dead. 6 injured including Michael. Then they went to the hospital healed Michael and then the children were taken home. They fond themselves back on the street where they had been. They all said bye and went back to their houses and they never said that their lives were the worst again.