Gayathri Nair

Children Stories Horror Thriller


Gayathri Nair

Children Stories Horror Thriller

The Demon under the Bed

The Demon under the Bed

3 mins

"Come on time for bed! Jim and Jenny! Scurry along, quick! You've got to get to bed on time tonight. Enough of the revision you've had. Jim, I want all your books in your backpack and ready for tomorrow. Oh! And don't you dare play a prank on Jenny like you did last night. That demon story you told her still scares her."

"Mom, that was the best story I told her.... You should be appreciating me for this talent of making horror stories."

"I would have Jim, if it had not scared poor little Jenny."

Jim was an 8-year-old boy who took pleasure in frightening his younger sister, Jenny. The previous night, little Jenny had asked Jim to narrate her a bed time story. Jim took this opportunity and began narrating the story of a girl whose soul was devoured by the demon under the bed. He elaborated the scene in such a way that Jenny got scared of her own beloved bed. Every night ever since, Jenny would clutch on to her pink teddy, climb up on a tall chair and jump on the bed to prevent the demon from holding her legs and pulling her under the bed. 

One day at school, Jim's friend Nicholas proposed him the idea to hide under Jenny's bed and scare her by grabing her legs tightly. " But she jumps on the bed from a meter away. My hands are not that long." said Jim. " Use your brains Jim. Move the chair somewhere else for that time. Once she runs away, get it back in its place and run down to ask her what happened." replied Nicholas smartly. "Oh! And don't forget to tell me the entire incident tomorrow," he added waving him goodbye. That night, Jim did as he was told to do. Jim moved the chair and hid it in the storeroom. He quickly ran upstairs and checked the things under her bed. "A couple of old books, some paper cuttings, old luggages... hmm. Well! I am not fat like Jenny so I guess I can accommodate with all this rif-raf under her bed." Saying so, he lied down and pulled himself under the bed. "Perfect!" he exclaimed in his thoughts.

It struck 9. "Jenny will be here any minute now." Jim thought. After a couple of seconds, he could hear her humming her rhymes and climbing up the stairs. He held his breath. She opened the door and found that the chair wasn't there. "Mom! The chair is missing! Someone stole it! A thief is lurking in the house! Or.... Oh no! Mother! The demon has come to take me with him. Come fast! Hurry mother!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. "Jenny! Stop shouting and get to bed now!" her mother scolded her from downstairs.

She had no choice but to face her only fear. She walked close to her bed. Jim was ready with his hands out of their rest position. Now she was so close to the bed that Jim clutched onto her leg. She screamed at the top of her voice and ran weeping to her mother. Jim, on the other hand, was laughing so hard that he couldn't catch his breath. He was preparing to come out of the bed when he realised that his leg was stuck. He tried to let his leg out but he just couldn't. He started crying for help. But his voice never came out. He tried holding onto the bed, but it was as if his hand had become transparent. The next moment, he was sucked into the darkness of utter silence which was covered by the old luggage. He was never seen ever again.

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