Tanu Patole

Children Stories Drama Tragedy


Tanu Patole

Children Stories Drama Tragedy

The Crown of the queen part 5

The Crown of the queen part 5

2 mins

The strange dream continues....... 

I was sleeping in my dream..... 

When I woke up I saw I was not near the snow Mountain..... 

I was in the...... Garden of the palace..... 

I started searching the mysterious girl...... 

She was there digging in the sand..... 

It was suspicious..... 

I went near her..... 

I said..... 

" Hey dear! Why are you digging in the sand.... "

She got scared and said... 

"Nothing.... Nothing when did you woke up.... "

It was like... She was hiding something from me..... 

What was that...... 

I was just thinking..... 

I heard a voice..... 

Josie.... Josie ..... 

And it was my mom's voice.....

She said .... 

Wake up.... It's morning🌞..... 

I woke up...... 

And then I realized it was just a deam .... 

I started running.... 

My mom said.... 

"Hey! Where are you running.... "

She came and picked me up and said..... 

"First get ready..... " 

I got dressed and then.... 

I went down..... 

I came in the garden.... 

I stared searching the place where she was digging ..... And hidding.... 

I searches it everywhere but I couldn't found the place..... 

Then I saw sofia was playing with her friends and I smiled ..... 

She was just standing on the same place..... 

I went near.... 


" Hey! Sofie..... Can you be side... "

She said.... 

" Okay but why... What happened... "

I didn't respond... 

I started digging... 

She shouted.... 

"Are you mad... What are you doing this... Don't do it.... Stop it... ... 

I didn't reacted.... 

I digged in and in... 

Then I felt like something was there..... 

I puld it out.... 

It was a sword.... 

I runned to mom and dad.... 

Mom was reading a book and dad was looking in a map... 

I said ... 

" Mom dad... I found a sword in a garden... " 

I gave it to dad..... 

Dad became very emotional.. . 

I was not able to understand.... 

Tears came. ... 

First time in my life I saw tears in my dad's eyes..... 

Mom said.... 

" Sometimes I can't understand you my dear.... " 

Why where they so emotional..... 

Who was the girl..... 

Whose was that sword  ..... 

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