The Case Of Mightiest Mr. Water
The Case Of Mightiest Mr. Water

Isn’t it, your dream to become a superhero who saves the world from evil powers? It sounds great to become a superhero but do you know we all can be superheroes. The superhero doesn’t mean to have superpowers, however, if we do the things for everyone’s good & welfare then we are said to be a superhero. With great power, comes great responsibility, so it’s not easy to be a superhero.
We are talking about a superhero who got some special powers by an accident. Being a single hero, some evil powers came into existence and created terror in the city.
This story begins with a beautiful morning. Our hero of the future, Ben Parker, was a busy teenager. He was getting ready for his first day of college. On his way to college there was a bank. People were shouting in the bank. Suddenly two armed men with caps on their heads ran out of the bank. Ben kicked one man’s leg and attacked the other one. The robbers started escaping but Ben followed them. He discovered a secret base where there were nuclear weapons, armories, and guns surrounded by criminals. He informed the police through a text message. Till the time police came, he was silently observing, and following the criminals. He saw a secret laboratory full of wild monster-like creatures. When the security noticed him, they asked for his ID. Ben escaped but the guards were after him. Ben got caught and was taken to their Boss. There was a crazy person. He introduced himself as Dr. Doom. His plan was to destroy the universe by spreading his evil monsters' team. Ben asked him why he was exposing his plan. Dr. Doom laughed crazily and said he is going to make him a beast too. Ben was tied with a rope securely. They were preparing to convert Ben into a beast. The process started but the police interfered in their work. Accidently, the foolish criminals filled the capsule of chemical with water which caused a short – circuit in the lab. The police killed many criminals and left with Ben. Dr. Doom, and some of his colleagues who escaped. Ben and Dr. Doom were believed to be dead by the blast in the lab. Ben’s life totally changed by that accident. He was alive but no more as a human. He was converted into water. It was very hard for him to accept the reality. It was the new beginning of his life which was going to be full of action & adventure.
Ben was good and bind a person. He used his power to save humanity. His powers were amazing. He could control the water in the whole world. But one day, a wild creature, which was the experiment of Dr. Doom escaped from the prison and attacked the public. It was nothing against our hero. Media & Public asked him, who he is? He introduced himself. He told his name “Mightiest Mr. water”. People cheered for him. Police believed him to be a criminal but they were unable to do anything. Mr. Water was not able to control his powers. So he took some help from technology to maintain his shape and control his power. Mr. Water was not aware of a big threat and that Dr. Doom also got some powers which he was using to do evil. Dr. Doom was converted into a lizard. He was full of poison and wanted to destroy the whole world and Mr. Water. Dr. Doom attacked the people, destroyed the city. The state of emergency was declared in the city. People were running and shouting. Lizard caught a small boy jumped off to a bridge.
The small boy warned him to leave him or their hero will kill him. Dr. Doom roared and threw him from the bridge and said: “Where is your hero”.
It was the entry of Mr. Water. He caught and rescued the child. Now, Dr. Doom and Mr. Water were left alone on the bridge where they clashed against each other. Dr. Doom was very powerful and polluted the whole water with the poison. Mr. Water was almost defeated. Dr. Doom roared on the people and asked: “is this looser is your hero”? The small boy was not happy with the happening. He commanded people to reduce the pollution in water and its sources. Dr. Doom humped jumped towards the small boy but Mr. Water stopped him and threw him away. They both again clashed but this time Mr. Water was full of energy and defeated the huge lizard, Dr. Doom. He was sent in a secured prison. Mr. Water thanked the small boy.
Mr. Water also gave an important message that if a small boy could be a hero then why can’t we. We can also save the world by saving our resources which we are destroying continuously.