shamsundar perumal



shamsundar perumal


The Big Boss- subject: Sushant

The Big Boss- subject: Sushant

2 mins

Earlier, I could watch any news channel free. At that time, 85% to 90% of my news viewing (almost 99% of my TV viewing was news except during cricket time/ season) used to be NDTV 24x7. Recently our leaders and wiser (than you and me) bureaucrats felt, we should decide and select channels we would like to watch beforehand and pay for only those channels. This probably saves some money but freedom (freedom is a very rare commodity nowadays and soon it would vanish from dictionary!?) to watch any channel has been taken away. So I ended up selecting NDTV instead of doubling TV viewing expenses for retaining freedom. 

Yesterday there was an interview with Rhea on NDTV. I could not manage to see for more than ten minutes. It was simply a repetition of words, concepts, desires, relationships even within those ten minutes. I am neither a fan of Sushant (I have seen few movies of his like Badrinath, Byonkesh. He is good in them) nor I have any confidence in the current set up of systems which tend to be more boasting than having any concrete action. Everyone is addicted to the story, every one is involved. Bihar, Maharashtra,

Center, CBI, SC, politicians, public, you name, they are interested. Probably an odd person like me would not be interested.

The coverage on Sushant, to me, is looking like the famous "Bigg Boss" reality show. I understand "Bigg Boss" has very high TRP and running for more than ten years now!? I checked 13 seasons are concluded and 14th planning is on. It is run in seven languages of the Indian continent, available on the digital platform... If you also happen to miss seeing the Bigg Boss, you may check it on Wiki or any other credible source available on the internet or you can go to "WhatsApp University". I find it difficult to watch, the big boss is my problem. Most people I know watch it more or less regularly. When everyone is curious to know what is happening in Sushant's case, I was wondering what is wrong with us. Yesterday's (28th August) show of interview with Rhea Chakraborthy gives me a clue. It is the next Bigg Boss in making. It may not run for fourteen years but still, it is a big hit gathering high TRPs. It has family, romance, love-hate relationships, narcotics, broken hearts, heroism,

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