The Art of Underestimation
The Art of Underestimation

We often think our life is made up of all those things and people which we want but there has been a great change in the life of a human being during this pandemic period. People used to underestimate certain things that proved their importance during these lockdown days. This is not a Google list neither it is any public information it’s just a note to remember and thanks to all those things and the people which were not of that importance before lockdown as it is now!
We have underestimated the most delicious thing, delicate thing that we ate during our childhood and which has become the breakfast, lunch, and dinner for thousands of people. Yes, I’m talking about parle-g! The parle-g has not only grown its sale during these days but also has broken its own 8 years sale records. We have underestimated this biscuit which has become the superhero. These days. Mary, Mario, hide and seek and many biscuits have replaced our piece of joy which we used to have while dipping in the chai! Yaa the true partner of an Indian who is ready to sacrifice his life by diving into the chai!
We have underestimated the powerful; temporary superhero that is now sacrificing its life in saving our life. that is the hand sanitizer! Have u realized how important it is now to use sanitizer. those people who were not taking bath before lockdown even they have become possessive about sanitizer. The small bottle which was somewhere lost for many years is enjoying the limelight given by corona these days. people are working on their designs, models. It must be thankful to covid19 for building its career.
We have underestimated the future be the national game of the country ludo.u know there was a time when we used to play ludo during summer holidays. Of course, I am talking the offline one but the technology has made our Indian ludo to international legend. We were so busy in our life that we forgot to be happy. This game not only connects people but also tries to make us believe that sometimes we have to take a break! Pubg, Cod, snooker and many rich man games had replaced our ludo but now as we know old is gold; congratulations !ludo era is back.
Till now many people have understood the value of that super person that we used to estimate under ourselves- they are our house helpers. I remember when this lockdown was declared after 2,3 days I had a talk with my friend; she said that “agar pata hota itna pocha lagana parega to ghar chota hi banwate”. Do you realize that our maids have never complained about how big the house is rather they do their work for their livelihood? Some people these days are posting pics with their maids on Instagram. They have realized the importance and have accepted them as the part of their life.
While I m talking about the things and the people whom we under est
imated I thought why not to add the most courageous person & brave too who is bearing all the complaints, blames of all the leaders of the world! He is Xi Jinping!
The man who is not ashamed of anything. we Indians always believe that Chinese people are not reliable still their products are. Nobody in this world would have thought including china that we would be sitting in homes for half a year. people and the importers of other countries thought they are still buying products produced by china but they were not knowing that this time they are importing the viruses. Those viruses are those products of china which do not need any sale promotion or advertisement for increasing its sale. It’s just worked automatically!
Well played China!
While thinking of what could be the next thing to be added in this queue I realized that I have forgotten the mastermind of this whole situation. Nature!
Nature has her own way of beautifying itself. all the ladies sitting at home have now clearly understood the meaning of beautification. so nature thought why that human have all the fun. She also needs some facial, spa, relaxation. So she decided to put on hold all the human activities so that no human could move out of the house and she could spend some quality time alone #metime! The clear skies, the carefree animals, the crystal clear water of rivers, lakes, seas. The clean beaches...the return of dolphins, the pure air, the quiet environment has made us realize that what we were doing was so wrong. when we stopped doing anything nature healed her own wounds and scars naturally!. We need to change ourselves otherwise we will need another lockdown to realize our mistake! which I think none of us want.
Throughout our life we have been underestimating many things but what I realized during these days that everything in our life has a role to play. These days will be gone soon but we need to prepare ourselves for the changes that nature makes in herself. one cannot be complacent and stable throughout his/her life in order to teach adjustments nature can again play with us. We have to realize soon until it is late. I think this pandemic has not only changed the mental state of the person but also has forced the people to rethink all those things which they have thought before about themselves about life about everything. Today I have realized the very function of the spring the force by which it comes and the force by which it goes back is just double of it. We are getting ready for the moment when everything will be fine; the day when this lockdown will come to an end; the day when this covid19 will come to an end; We have to be strong enough to face the force and the speed of the world this is just the ‘prep’ time. I can say I have learned the ART of UNDERESTIMATION when will you?!