Simba, The Lion
Simba, The Lion

Once upon a time, a lion called Simba lived with a lazy boy who was his owner. His name was Rohan. He didn't study at all; he played all the time. He didn't listen to his parents even if they said sweetly. One day, it happened so that he got an adorable and mysterious pet. It was orangish and also had orange hair. The pet was medium in size. It was a lion. Rohan named the lion Simba. Then he was surprised and said, "Thank you, mom!". Then she asked, "Will you study now?"He agreed. But he also played games sometimes but he studied hard. After 5 months, his mother decided they would go to Dubai. He was joyful. Then after 1 month, Simba was 6 months old. His brother, Tigu, taught him how to use fire. Simba revealed his story. The story was, "A day before the delivery, I was born. A war started. My mother participated. When half the war was fin
ished, I was born.
Then, my surprised mother said, "Our baby has arrived!". Then she destroyed all terrorists and said, "You are so adorable!" Then, when she was halfway through to the hospital, I disappeared. God teleported me. He then said, "And I forgot to say this, be adorable and make this a secret. Only tell your brothers about us talking.". I agreed. My mother was fast asleep in the hospital. Then I fell in my mother's hands. She asked,"Where were you?" I said,"I forgot! I don't know!" Then she let me sleep. The doctor put vaccinations on me. Then the next day, I and my father played football. Since I had not my father until then, I cried,"Villain,VILLAIN!'' He said he wanted to go on an adventure. Then an amazon delivery came and took me. That leaded me to you!" Rohan said,"Wow! Impressive story Simba!" "Thank you"