Though it is nameless, she invested all the emotions in it. Though it is nameless, she invested all the emotions in it.
Hidden away from all the commotion, the Head Doctor and the nurse were communicating in Hidden away from all the commotion, the Head Doctor and the nurse were communica...
Gemma told me it was because I held onto those scars like a security blanket Gemma told me it was because I held onto those scars like a security blanket
It’s quite strange how ordinary events affect our lives. The diary hit Nikhil as he was emerging fro... It’s quite strange how ordinary events affect our lives. The diary hit Nikhil as...
It was Christmas time, Megan was headed back home to Florida. It was Christmas time, Megan was headed back home to Florida.
It is important to remember our battles in life, which we have overcome. It gives us inspiration to ... It is important to remember our battles in life, which we have overcome. It give...