Reading Behind The Lines
Reading Behind The Lines
Chat 1: Guy's Crush Comes Online
Guy : "Think something that will sweep her off her feet! ... 'What's an angel doing on FB?'... Backspace!.. that was sad.. something awesome .. something awesome .. quick!" Hi "crap"
Crush : *ohh not him again..if only you could get attracted to sweet guys.. would love to keep him my friend... but I know he wants more.. these nice guys.. they always want more* hey! what's up?
Guy : *ok .. now a good punchline .. make her laugh .. make her laugh* the ceiling fan! :P *please do yourself a favor .. please die*
Crush : *look at this now! which girl will ever fall for this joke... I understand he is nervous.. but still... the ceiling fan! .. like seriously?* hahaha! good one! *ohh i am going to regret this*
Guy : *that 'hahaha' was she spitting on you .. burying your humor alive.. at least a comeback now .. please!* I am a good one :) *better..phew*
Girl : *and he starts speaking in morse code* means?
Guy : *god she's dumb .. but cute .. maybe it was too cryptic .. let me explain* u said 'good one' for the joke .. I twisted the words to use them in my favor .. its called wordplay :D *now understand for God's sake!*
Girl : *ok now I got that... it's still boring... I need to end this without killing him in my head* oh ok :D .. hey gotta go .. mom calling .. ttyl :)
Guy : *stop her .. stop her* bye! * I am dying alone*
Chat 2: Guy's Mother Notices Her Son Is Online
Mother : *its been hours we spoke .. I can call but that would irritate him .. let me use Whatsapp.. he will think I am cool* hi beta!
Guy : *what does she want now! I am chatting with your potential daughter in law here!* Hi Ma! Anythi
ng urgent?
Mother : *hehe my son! always busy at work... let me post a flower's picture.. it will lighten his mood* yes I wanted to say Gooooooood Nighttttttt to you! *there! I got that good night part bang on! kids these days type the exact same way! I m slick!*
Guy : *wtf! I am not even going to download that pic!* I m busy ma! .. gn!
Mother : *these cruel guys give so much work ... I always said to not send him away... but his father* had dinner? or busy for that too?
Guy : *ohh ma.. she cares for me so much and look at my replies there* yes ma I just ate .. did u? .. took ur BP tablets?
Mother : *see.. how much ever they burden him he rises out inquiring for his mom .. my son!* should I call?
Guy: wait, I m calling
Chat 3: Guy sees his old best friend online after a hiatus, they have had a fight long back and have stopped talking
Guy: hi *ahh what was I thinking .. I had sworn I won't message him until he does*
Friend : *ohh he pinged... I have missed him so much ... I and my bloody ego are going to hold hands on the way to hell* hey! how are you, man? long time! *mostly because of me*
Guy : *see, he replied .. it took just 1 ping .. just 1 Lil ping .. even though it was my fault back then.. he still holds nothing.. I am such an ass.. let's crack a joke to ease the tension* how's the bhabhi? or rather who's the bhabhi these days? :P
Best Friend : *hahaha.. he's still got the humor* ROFL.. let me ask first .. has there been any bhabhi? or rather will there be any bhabhi? ever? :P
Guy : *and we are back on track.. like nothing ever happened* no no my one true love was only you! I couldn't cope up after our break up. I think I need a closure :D
Best Friend: my flat tonight?
Guy: I will bring the drinks!