Richa Jain

Drama Romance


Richa Jain

Drama Romance

Pebbles Love

Pebbles Love

2 mins

Peblo and Madhvi were diving in love ....there First innocent love sitting on the bank of the Narmada, looking into each other's beauty rather than around there. Peblo starts discussing Indus Vally civilization and anthropological evidence which founded in the region of Narmada.

Peblo asked Madhavi, "you know it is important in anthropology to understand sutures and majors of skull to calculate their actual age and civilization. You know each and every stone told their story through its edges, length, and width and its uses by neanderthal human......It is amazing, Madhvi".

Peblo glances at Madhvi's face and continues sharing his knowledge about the human before

Modern human. Then Madhvi slightly touched him and told, "I made a scenery f

rom your story teller stones to express my feelings to you". And Peblo was just amazed that Madhvi gifted him heartly loving couple. He was astonished and wanted to kiss her but before that he corrected " are pebbels, not those stones I was discussing...That stones not available for that art work. These stones kept in the museum and the whole study about it is keeping is called musemology.

And Madhvi said in anger....Peblooooo I am here to talk and make love not to listening to your lectute. I am going .....Byeeeer. Peblo was still astonished to look at Madhvi leaving and sometimes glanced at the gifted pebbles scenery.....He notices a naughty pebble giving heart to her short and cute pebble.........O god I may gift Madhvi that so she will surely smile.

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