My Saviour - Thank You

My Saviour - Thank You

3 mins

This is a story that happened to me that I narrate: “Listen to me. I want to tell you what happened today. on the bus. There was a tension brewing in the city. A city where I have lived all my life and its one of the safest city that one can be in. On the way to the my Tution place, I was in the bus. There was this guy, well, maybe he was a man, he was maybe about thirty - ish, it’s hard to tell. As all the seats were full I stood holding the rod. This man just came and stood really close to me almost as close as I could feel him. There were only two other people standing, not a crowded bus. I moved and he moved.

So, I turned around and asked him to behave himself. But he reacted very aggressively and stated that he is going to touch me and I will not be able to do anything nor will anyone help me. I was furious and challenged him to touch and see the consequences. I had no idea what I was going to do but I was ready to hit. I was just 15 years old, what could i do. Just as this man lifted his hand to touch me there was this man who sprang from nowhere and came right in between. He was a my saviour, they say God helps and now I know he does.

He slapped the man hard and bet him black and blue. I could see my offender bleeding. The other passengers also had a hand or two Even the conductor gathered some guts and hit him a couple of blows. The bus ca

me to a halt at the next stop. Without looking behind i just alighted and ran with all my life till I reached home .

My only regret I could not thank my saviour nor I know who he is and where he came from. If he reads this I want him to know that he really saved me that day from something really scary. I do not know him and I did not even see his face. But he saved my life.

I am now 48 and I think of these people who have “violent tendencies, ” as the psychiatrist’s report had called rages. How do we escape from them ? They are all there, everywhere.

Although the ugly memory of the incident had nearly faded but I will never forget his help and the incident is embedded in my memory forever. Since then i have moved to a different city but the memories of that lingers often in my mind .

As my mother would say, “You can’t be too careful these days. You never know who is out to get you.” Sometimes, though, the dreams are not so easy to dismiss. They linger, like a damp fog chilling my bones. But there are many good people in this world too maybe more than the bad ones. I believe that these good people should be thanked and appreciated. My only regret is that I could not thank him for his help which he did out of shear humaneness.

Thank YOU stranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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