My 1/2 Dream

My 1/2 Dream

2 mins

Hospital corridor was full of ladies. The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming.I was feeling powerless and heavy. Dr Sunita Verma entered her clinic. I was called in her cabin for regular check ups. "Baby looks absolutely perfect "I smiled, she kept saying"Do you see the hand, Do you see the heart beautiful "I nodded and smiled again, but I was muted. I tried to keep my feelings under wrap.

I was pregnant . He or she inside me was kicking but it didn't hurt. As the weeks passed ,I could feel sort of bumbling around. I was tired all the time even if I got eight hours to sleep. My body was feeling more discomfort and more cramps with each inch that my belly was growing,but I was not eager to see him or her.

Somewhere I was feeling blue. And the day came my uterus suddenly turned like my worst enemy. The pain was so intense and for so long that I went out of my head. I pushed for four hours and birthed.

I looked around the room and everything was suddenly fading to gray. I fainted. "Is it a boy or a girl?" first question I asked when I opened my eyes. But doctor didn't tell me and Said"no,it will make you feel guilty ".I never met the real parents and no idea who they are! I don't know whether it's boy or girl. You have to lose something to gain something.

The right thing isn't always the easy thing. Lot of sacrifices, people feel that if money is involved there is no altruism involved. Yes somewhere it's true but half ,now "I'll get my husband's surgery done, ". Surrogacy is not easy. The hardest part when baby has been taken.Never!! If I knew how hard the journey would be, would I offer to be a surrogate again ,I would have said "No".

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