Vibhavari Mendre

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational Children


Vibhavari Mendre

Children Stories Fantasy Inspirational Children

Molly And Happiness

Molly And Happiness

2 mins

"Look at what I got!" Molly exclaimed. Mom just takes a look at it. She ran around the whole house and went out. It was a little ring with a little gemstone. She was very happy to find it. When she reached the playground, she saw all her friends, she told them what she had got, but instead of looking at it, they burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" She asked in a low tone. "Well", said one of the friends, "the last time I got a watch, this ring is nothing in front of the watch." The other friend said, "yup and I got a hairband with pretty flowers." Everyone started to show their gifts. Poor Molly was very sad, she threw the ring away. Then she picked up the ring but the stone was not on the ring. She started looking for it but it was nowhere. It was evening and she was still looking for it. In a corner beside the tree, she found it but it was broken.

The gem grew big and out came a little bunny. It hoped out and asked, "I will grant you a wish, you can ask anything." But till then she was looking in the gem and fell in. "Oh no, this is not good." The rabbit said to himself and jumped in. It was the rabbit's house. With lots of tiny and cute furniture. She was looking around and the bell rang. She went to the door and opened it with the tiny handle. There was a bird holding a small jar of jam with a note saying, eat this to get smaller. She took the bottle and went to the kitchen, she picked up a spoon and ate the jam and instantly got small. When she turned around, she saw the rabbit standing in front of her. He said, "little girl why did you come here? It could also be dangerous. So now if you want to return you will have to go out of my house." "Ok then," saying this Molly went out of the house. As she walked and walked, she found a hole. When she saw inside there was a little golden ball with eyes, it was happiness. Happiness asked her, "I will grant you a wish." The little girl said, "well, what is your problem?" Happiness said: "I want to get out of this hole." Molly said, "ok then. I wish that you could come out." And then happiness followed her.

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