Ranjita Das

Drama Children Stories


Ranjita Das

Drama Children Stories

Love For Stray Dogs

Love For Stray Dogs

2 mins

A female stray dog used to roam near our area so we used to feed her and for the love, she comes to our home, waits there, with the hope of getting food. My parents used to feed her daily and it has been daily routine for us to feed her . Even my younger sister had given a name to her. .Then she gave birth to four puppies in a dry drain which was a little far away from our home. They were so cute and they did not come to us at first. But then they came to our garden with their mother and also we started to feed those puppies also. Like they were our family members. It has been a daily routine to feed their whole family daily and this has been done by mother. She takes care of them.

But one day, what did just happen, we all got shocked?

She started to bite those puppies one by one. She came and used to bite them. We did not get any clue what is going on? It continued for 2 or 3 days and we also tried to save those puppies. Those puppies used to cry in pain. During mid-night, they shouted loudly.

We thought that maybe she has eaten any type of poison for that reason her behaviour has changed. Still, it was continuing and now it would not gonna happen again. Unfortunately, their mother died last year so those puppies started to live in our garden. And yes when we got to know it we broke down inside. She was just an outsider or a stray dog but she was close to our heart. We felt very bad, tears fell down from my mother's eyes. Even I and my sister could not control my tears. We are not sure what is the reason behind her death?

She will be always there in our heart, forever

Everything was fine but again three of them died except only one female puppy. We all cried for those puppies because we love them a lot. So then we start to take care of that female puppy who is with us.

And later when she grew up, she gave birth to another four puppies,

Till now my mother takes care of those puppies a lot like a mother.

My whole family is in love with them.

Thank You!

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