
Very few people know that a lookalike of Idi Amin was used in Entebbe operation in 1976, when Israel, much to the embarrassment of Ugandan dictator president Idi Amin, flew its planes into his territory and rescued the passengers of hijacked Air France airplane.
In 1972, four years before the Entebbe operation, Idi Amin had severed ties with his one time friend Israel who supplied arms to him. He expelled Israeli military advisers and the relationship between Uganda and Israel was never the same.
During a day in the month of April in 1973, The President of Israel received an important call from Mossad Chief that he wanted to meet the President personally. The President gave him an appointment that evening. These requests are never turned down because the intelligence chiefs meet the president only when it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, they know their business well.
“Mr. President I have received a message from Burundi that there lives a man who exactly looks like Idi Amin” The Mossad Chief spoke.
“Is it?” The President said.
The President did not know why this news was so important. The Mossad Chief might have had his own plans.
“Yes, exactly like him, even in height and colour. His name is Emery. The only two differences are Emery is thinner and has a beard. Amin doesn’t sport beard”
“But how do you know if he looks like Amin without a beard?”
“Our people have worked on it. The artist painted Emery without beard and Amin with a beard. Both look the same and it’s not easy for anybody to identify Emery in a beard as a lookalike of Amin. But our man found him. Mossad has strong eyes”
“Can he be a cousin of Amin in a neighbouring country?” The President smiled.
“Both are from different tribes. No relationship, even remote. But if at all Amin knew his lookalike existed somewhere in Burundi, by this time he would have taken him to Kampala. A lookalike can be used for any purpose. You are aware that these dictators collect lookalikes like toys. Even Hitler did it. This poor man Emery does not even know that a country like Uganda and its dictator Amin do exist. Emery fluently speaks Kirundi language and knows Swahili considerably well. He is a farmer in a village near Bururi, 100 kilometers south of the capital Bujumbura”
“Fine… What do you want to do with this man?”
“We may need him in the future. This finding can be of great help to us to topple Idi Amin. So I came personally to inform you”
“Please go ahead.”
The meeting ended. The Mossad Chief just wanted to inform the president that they have managed to find an Amin look alike. How they would bring and train Emery were Mossad’s headaches in which the President was least interested. Mossad did not have to reveal the identity of people to the President unless it was very important. This revelation itself proved that Mossad had a big investment in Emery’s discovery.
As a farmer, Emery had been always poor in his life. All his life he lived in the same small farm in a village near Bururi. Emery did not know English.
There was a man in that village who knew English, Swahili and Kirundi languages. His name was Kwizera.
Mossad asked the Israeli businessman Doron based in Bujumbura to send Emery to Israel. No ways they could have asked Emery directly. Doron played a game. He asked his buyer and associate Kuzumba in Bururi for help.
Kuzumba met Kwizera and told him that he wanted two people to go to Tanzania and bring some goods on behalf of him. Kuzumba said Kwizera could take Emery with him who also deserved to be rich. They were promised a chunk from the deal. Kwizera agreed happily without knowing his final destination. One trip to Tanzania would make him rich. Emery too happily agreed.
“Kwizera and Emery...” Kuzumba said when both visited him together. “Once you reach Dar e Salam, check in by your names at Hotel Salamia on Kigogo road. My people will contact you and handover some goods which you have to bring here. Mind you, I am not sending you to bring prohibited goods. They are spices in a few bags and also a small number of pearls. You do not pay there for the goods. You only need to pay customs here and you have to declare all the goods as spices.”
“What if we are caught? Because we are bringing pearls and declaring them as spices” Kwizera said.
“Nothing will happen. The customs people know me well. I have been doing this for years. Nobody was ever caught. Normally I send my own people to bring these things. This time I am sending you people because I cannot see Emery’s and your woes. You people can also make some money this time.”
Kuzumba had been doing it for years. He had sent many people to bring in goods from Tanzania. He never told them what the consignment contained except this time because he knew very well that Kwizera and Emery would go to Kenya from Tanzania on an undisclosed work. Kuzumba did not know for what reason they were going there. His duty was only to send them to Tanzania. Kuzumba would do anything Doron dictated.
Emery and Kwizera left their village to go to Tanzania. They were given new Burundian identity cards.
Traveling to distant Dar E Salam in Tanzania was not easy those days. One way was to travel entire Bururi province eastwards through Rutana province to reach Tanzanian border and proceed from there to Dar E Salam. The distance was around 1300 kilometers. But Emery and Kwizera were told to travel southwards through Makamba and reach the Tanzanian border. This route was farther than the previous route. But they were strictly told to stick to this route.
Emery was strictly told not to shave during his journey.
“Why not to shave?” Emery had asked.
“Because you look handsome in a beard” Kuzumba had said without knowing what else to say. That was the instruction given to him by Doron.
“Thank you. Even otherwise I would not have shaved. My younger daughter likes my beard”
No matter which was the route, there was no single bus or train to reach Dar E Salam. And in this farther route, there was no possibility of getting a truck going to Dar E Salam.
They took two days to reach Dar E Salam commuting in three buses and two passing trucks.
They checked in to Hotel Salamia on Kigogo road. In half an hour’s time, two Tanzanians came and introduced themselves. They spoke in Swahili.
“My dear friends,” The tallest of them said. “As promised, the pearls have not reached here. By mistake, the consignment has gone to Nairobi. You need to go there instead of waiting here and wasting time. You will stay there at Hotel Sea Pearl. I shall give you more money in Kenyan Shillings.”
Both were happy that they could visit Kenya. Kwizera had seen some parts of Tanzania before but not Kenya. Emery came outside his country for the first time.
“You both eat and drink as much as you want.” The tall man continued “Do not pay any bills including hotel charges. And Emery, you look very handsome in beard… You may not look as handsome without beard”
The next day the same two people came to check them out. They paid all the bills and took them by car to the bus station. Both were given Kenyan ID cards and were told to use them once they reached the Kenyan border. They were told not to talk much to the Kenyan immigration officers as they would identify them as Burundians. Anyway back then the immigration officers on land borders were not very strict like at the airports. They did not have the means to verify the documents. As long as someone did not carry weapons and prohibited goods and did not look suspicious, they would allow people to cross the border.
The following day, Emery and Kwizera reached Mombasa and stayed there for a night. It was approximately half the journey from Dar E Salam to Nairobi. They had to travel another 500 kilometers.
After arriving in Nairobi, they managed to find Hotel Sea Pearl which was bigger and luxurious than Hotel Salamia in Dar E Salam. A Kenyan man knocked on their door and introduced himself as Mosi. Mosi said that Emery and Kwizera would have to wait for another three days for the pearls to arrive. He did not specify the place from where the consignment would come and Emery and Kwizera also did not bother to ask.
Mosi took care of every expense in Nairobi. He was very kind. He also took them for a city tour in a taxi. Emery and Kwizera enjoyed Kenya.
After two days Mosi came in the morning and told them “My dear friends. The pearls were not dispatched as intimated earlier because the Israeli people want us to come there. How nice of them. You are very lucky. We have a chance to go to Israel. I will also accompany you. It seems the deal is better than expected.” Mosi’s job was to tell them what he was told.
Emery and Kwizera got confused. But Kuzumba was a big and influential man as they knew him. They talked among themselves that they were fortunate to go to the holy land. Kwizera suspected that the consignment must be for a minister.
Emery and Kwizera were given Kenyan passports. Mosi was with them all the time. There was no problem at Nairobi airport. They did not even know that they were traveling on Kenyan passports. The immigration officer saw their photos and their faces and stamped the passports.
As first-time flyers, Emery and Kwizera with Mosi entered Kenyan Airways aircraft bound for Tel Aviv.
Three white people welcomed them at the Tel Aviv airport and took them in a Land Rover to a bungalow about five kilometers away.
They were given royal treatment. They drank, ate and slept well.
“Friends, I have to go…” Mosi said to them after two days “You remain here for a few days till you get the stuff. I think it has to arrive from
London.” Mosi’s duty was only to drop them safely to Tel Aviv.
The Israeli people wanted them to be comfortable. For six days nobody talked to them much. But they were looked after well with good food and drinks and were also taken out for sightseeing of nearby places with gunmen protecting them.
But the consignment did not come. Emery complained to Kwizera.
“Why to suspect? We are happy here. The people are good. If at all we did something wrong and these people wanted to punish us, we would not be given such a treatment.” Kwizera said.
“But why is the delay? Why only we can carry the pearls?”Emery said.
“I don’t know. We cannot even contact Kuzumba. May be things did not work as he planned. By God’s grace, we have come to Israel.”
On the seventh day, Emery was told to shave. He reluctantly did it. Both were asked to wait in the sitting room.
A person in military attire walked in. The gunmen following him stopped at the front door.
“Good morning gentlemen. I am the chief of a new mission involving you. You will call me by my code name Tiger.” The person in military attire looked at both of them and spoke in English “Emery really looks like Idi Amin. We will train you to talk and behave like him. Kwizera, you are his translator...You will translate what I am saying now” Kwizera translated into Kirundi whatever Tiger said.
There was a pause for a minute. With a small cough, Tiger continued. “You need to polish Emery’s Swahili. So do not talk much in Kirundi unless it is very necessary. You only talk in Swahili and in English. Henceforth you can go out only with permission. But gentlemen, do not feel bad that we restrict your movements. You both are our friends. You are called to help us to teach that dictator a lesson. We never want to trouble you. You can ask for any service and we are glad to provide it.
“I promise, you will never regret staying here. What Kuzumba told you about the consignment was a lie. But he did not know that you would come to Israel. His job was only to send you to Tanzania. I feel sorry for your long trip through Tanzania while you could have easily come to Nairobi from Bururi. We did not want you to travel north of Burundi and come anyways closer to the Ugandan border. We knew you could be in trouble with Idi Amin’s men around there. And you could not come directly from Tanzania as we wanted only Kenya’s help with their passports to bring you here. Our men were following you without your knowledge throughout the way to protect you. We operate that way, Gentlemen.”
Emery was speechless. He did not know who Idi Amin was and how he could help these people. Kwizera was stunned. He was called only as a translator. Both were neither happy nor sad. Pleasures and new atmosphere gave them comfort. But they felt they were brought without permission. Poor people did not know that intelligence seldom works with anybody’s permission.
Emery took time to digest the fact that he was on a special mission.
Emery saw how his lookalike Amin looked in videos. He felt he resembled Idi Amin.
Emery had to gain more weight to match Idi Amin. Then only one difference would remain. Amin was ruthless while Emery was a simple harmless man. He could not even kill flies and mosquitoes which disturbed him in his farm.
Emery was a peace loving person. He loved his family very much. He had married late since he could not spend on a wedding. He never regretted marrying late because his wife was a good lady who lived with him in poverty without ever complaining. His lovely daughters Reetha aged twelve and Rama aged ten loved him very much. Rama liked his beard. That was why he felt like crying when Israelis asked him to shave it. He had obeyed as he thought it was one-time act. But he did not know that he would not be allowed to sport a beard as long as he remained in Israel. How long? He did not know.
Kwizera enjoyed drinks, girls and every pleasure he was offered. Emery drank occasionally but never went for any girls. He was an introvert. He just would sit and think about his family. As he remembered, he had never left his house after his first daughter was born.
They were not allowed to contact the family at all. How would they contact anyway?
After fifteen days Tiger came for a briefing.
“You both are doing well. Emery is home sick. But will recover.” Tiger said. “We are planning to shift you to another bigger house ten kilometers from here. You may be shifted from place to place for security reasons. Your families back home are looked after well by Kuzumba. He gives them more money than you did while you were there. He has told them that you have gone to Zanzibar and from there you will go to Madagascar and will be back in two months time. I hope by two months we will accomplish our mission.” He did not elaborate on what the mission was and how it would be accomplished.
Emery and Kwizera were happy that their families were looked after well and within two months they would be allowed to go back. But Emery still missed his wife and children.
The rigorous training continued. Emery learned all mannerisms of Idi Amin. Emery and Kwizera were also taught driving.
Emery’s Swahili was not very good. Swahili language differed from place to place. Emery himself experienced it during his journey in Tanzania and Kenya and now by hearing the Ugandan Swahili in videos. Kwizera remained the translator. Though Kwizera conversed in three languages, in none he was proficient. Mossad did not want any language to be perfect since even Idi Amin’s Swahili and English were not that great.
Two months passed. The mission did not happen. Time flew and everyday Emery waited for the mission. Emery and Kwizera complained in vain. “Very soon…”was the only reply.
And…Three years passed.
Emery was never in this period given any task or so called mission. But he got used to Israel and their training. He was given everything except the company of his family. He missed them. No luxury on earth could replace his family. He was given ten mock situations in which he excelled. Every time he thought that a real situation would follow the mock one. But nothing such happened.
Kwizera enjoyed life like anything. He completely forgot about his family, while Emery could not. He always thought about his daughters who might
have grown taller by now in the past three years.
The chief of the mission changed. He still called himself by the same name ‘Tiger’ as it was the code name of the person in charge of the mission.
Mossad kept on changing their accommodation, sometimes in bungalows in the city and sometimes in farms away from the city. Emery worked voluntarily in the farms he stayed and picked oranges but was never allowed to be an ordinary man like in his own farm.
Kwizera enjoyed but lost control on himself at times.
“I want to go back. Emery’s Swahili is good” Once he complained to Tiger. “He can speak English as good as Idi Amin. He is a good imitator. My job is finished. Can I go?”
“Where?” Tiger asked.
“To Burundi, my land”
“We could have sent you long back once you convinced and brought Emery here. But since you knew three languages, we kept you as a translator. You have done your job well”
“Then why you do not let me go?”
“Because we feel you will tell the truth to the world”
“But Mosi went”
“He was our man, you are not. And Mosi knew only about how you traveled here from Kenya to Israel. Nothing else. Even Kuzumba knows the half truth. But you know the whole truth. So we want you to remain here till the mission is complete”
“When the mission will take place? It’s already three years”
“Kwizera, you can go if you want as you are of no use to us. But only as a dead man”
Kwizera did not respond. He knew the whole truth, not the half truth.
Mossad was planning to use Emery as Idi Amin again and again. But nothing came through.
On 28th June 1976, Emery was told to keep himself free to be Idi Amin within minutes. Later he was taken to a new place with Kwizera.
They were told that Paris bound Air France flight from Tel Aviv was hijacked the previous day 27th June 1976. The plane which originated from Tel Aviv had a stopover at Athens, Greece where other passengers and the terrorists boarded. Later the plane was high jacked mid air, landed in Benghazi in Libya first and then was taken to Entebbe in Uganda. The president of Uganda Idi Amin allowed some other terrorists to enter the plane. The terrorists had a demand to release 40 Palestinian prisoners lodged in various jails in Tel Aviv and 13 others lodged in
other countries in exchange for hostages.
Later only 100 Israeli and Jewish were kept as hostages while the other 148 passengers were released. The terrorists threatened that if their demands were not met, they would kill the hostages by 1st July 1976. Subsequently, the deadline was extended to 4th July 1976.
During this period while the government was negotiating to rescue the hostages, Israel Defense Forces with Mossad were planning the Entebbe operation. Kwizera was given a refreshing course to drive a Mercedes Benz car.
Mossad with the help of freed hostages learnt more about description and number of terrorists and details of the place and about weapons with the terrorists. Mossad could easily obtain the floor plans of the transit hall at the Entebbe airport which housed the hostages. The terminal itself was built by an Israeli construction company some years back when Idi Amin had a good relationship with Israel.
“Emery you are boarding the flight to Entebbe with our special team tomorrow” On the 3rd July morning Tiger told Emery “Kwizera will also accompany us. During the flight, you will be told what to do in Entebbe. All the best, Emery. All our plans failed, but this time you will become real Amin”
Emery was not Emery any more. He was Amin. He wore Idi Amin’s military attire. He got a chance to become Amin in actions, in emotions and in mannerisms in Amin’s own country.
The cargo plane carrying Emery, Kwizera, Tiger, and commandos took off from Tel Aviv on 4th July. The plane also carried a black Mercedes Benz and Land Rovers. Other planes also taking off could be seen later. It was Emery’s second flight. But he knew more than anybody else what was flying. He had already mentally become the President of Uganda. But did not know why he was going there. He was told only during the flight he would get more details. He made sure that he behaved like Amin during the flight. He could imitate Amin to the end.
The planes flew lower as they did not want any radar to locate them.
Four Israelis came to Emery one by one and started telling him different things in a hurry. They kept on repeating the things. Kwizera translated a few things Emery did not understand. There were many groups on the plane. All were busy discussing the things throughout the flight. One could hear conversations from every side.
The planes could not fly 4000 kilometers nonstop without refueling. The prior secret arrangement was made to refuel them at Jomo Kenyatta International airport in Nairobi, Kenya with the permission of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta the President of Kenya.
The planes one by one took off from Nairobi after refueling.
Emery was the centre of attraction though all the occupants had specific jobs to perform to accomplish the mission. Emery was briefed again and was told what to do.
Emery, Kwizera, and Tiger occupied the black Mercedes Benz while the commandos occupied the Land Rovers much before the plane started its descent to land. The aircraft landed in Entebbe without the knowledge of Entebbe air traffic control.
Within no time unloading of the black Mercedes Benz and Land Rovers was done. The landing of escorting planes could be seen. One plane circled around the airport without landing.
Kwizera started the Mercedes car and drove with Tiger sitting next to him. Emery sat in the rear seat as Amin and wiped his face. The Land Rovers followed the Mercedes Benz.
Since a few days back Idi Amin had bought a white Mercedes, the two Ugandan sentries must have been surprised to see the old black Mercedes on the tarmac. Israelis were not aware of this development despite having one of the best intelligence agencies on earth. One of the sentries ordered the Mercedes to stop. But before the sentries could react the Israeli commandos who followed the Mercedes in Land Rovers silenced the sentries. They knew any argument and confrontation would warn the terrorists.
Emery’s Mercedes reached the terminal where hostages were kept. Few soldiers from the Ugandan army who were standing near the gate saluted once they saw their ‘President’. Emery felt like shivering. He was very nervous. But there was no looking back. He decided not to lose faith in himself.
“My dear brothers, Hold on” Said Emery in Swahili.
Emery entered the terminal. Kwizera followed him.
The terrorists were surprised to see ‘the President’ who allowed them to land the high jacked plane and who allowed more terrorists to board the aircraft from his land. There was the president who had helped them to negotiate with Israel. There was a man who sympathized with them and supported their cause. They looked at their savior with reverence.
Everybody was aware that normally the president had many people around him whenever he went out. But this time only one person could be seen with the President and that was Kwizera who drove him. But before anybody could doubt, the commandos had to act.
The Israeli commandos who had followed Emery and were hiding behind at once emerged inside the terminal and opened fire. One commando shouted “Do not worry. We are Israelis. We have come to rescue you”. Another commando repeated the same words.
It was a sudden setback for terrorists. They tried their best to retaliate. But when they realized that they were being overpowered, they ran to the next room.
Within the next 30 minutes, the commandos took over the terminal with all the terrorists being killed.
There was fierce gunfire exchanged between Ugandan soldiers and Israeli commandos when the Israelis made arrangements to board the hostages in the planes. Many Ugandan soldiers lost lives. One of the Commanders Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu who received bullets in his chest succumbed to death. Emery could not hold tears when the commandos loaded the dead bodies of Yonatan and two hostages into the plane. All hostages safely boarded the waiting planes. The wounded commandos and hostages were given special care. Emery was back in his seat. He had to.
Now Emery knew geography better than an ordinary man.
“Tiger…..Can I go home?” Emery said looking at Tiger “This is Africa. My country is nearby” He remembered his daughters and wife. He just visualised his wife three years older now and daughters grew up taller and beautiful.
“Are you mad? How can you go? We are in hell. I know your country is nearby. But I cannot arrange an aircraft. We will fly back to Israel first. One mission is completed. You will visit your land anyway within a few days as a successful man. Thank you, Emery, the President of Uganda for a few minutes. That bastard president of this land is condemned. No time to talk. The plane is taking off” Tiger said in a louder voice. The noise of the plane made him talk louder. Emery understood the situation. Kwizera came and hugged him. They were jubilant and happy that they would be let out in a few days as the intended mission was accomplished.
“Thank God” A passenger exclaimed when the plane took off. The fire caused by the destruction of MIG jets could be seen from above.
Refueling was done in Nairobi again at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and the planes took off for the long flight to Tel Aviv.
They partied in Tel Aviv. Emery remembered his wife and daughters. ‘It’s more than three years. But only a few days to go back…’ He pacified himself.
Emery and Kwizera were asked to remain for a few days in Tel Aviv since the situation was tensed in Uganda.
Nothing happened for ten days.
On the eleventh day, Tiger visited where Emery and Kwizera were staying.
“Emery and Kwizera, we are grateful to you for the help you rendered and for remaining in this land for these three years,” Tiger said. Emery and Kwizera rejoiced with happiness. “But...But...” Emery and Kwizera stopped their laughter. “But….. Sadly you need to remain here for some time. Some time……..”
“How long..?” Emery shouted like Idi Amin.
“Shut up. You are not the President of Uganda. Even real Ugandan President is weak now. You are only a lookalike.”
“But I want to go home.”
“Yes…..The President of Israel decided in a meeting that you will be sent home… not Burundi… But to a jail” Tiger laughed.
“Why?” Emery uttered with disbelief.
“The reason is very simple. Amin might retaliate. Actually, he is on the course. His plans are brutal. There is a threat to your life as it is not a secret anymore that we have a look-alike of him. He takes things very seriously. Jail is the right place for you. You are safe there. Mind you, you people are not prisoners. Only for your safety, we are taking you there.”
They were taken to a prison and were put up in a big cell.
The prison staff and prisoners started calling Emery as Amin. But Emery was not hated like Amin as he had helped the Israelis to free the hostages from the highjacked plane. Though there were many others who were involved in the Entebbe operation, most of the prisoners with limited information had thought that Emery was the only hero of the operation.
But the prisoner wandered why the punishment? One day prison warden in a meeting told them “It’s not punishment, but security. Once Amin is killed, we will free them”
‘What type of security is this? When they needed us, they gave us luxury. When the mission is finished, they can only provide security in jail’ Emery wondered.
When Amin would be killed?
Days passed and months too. Almost three years passed again after the Entebbe operation. On 11 April 1979, Emery and Kwizera were told that Amin was ousted and sped to Libya. Kampala was taken over. Emery rejoiced. He hated Amin for his atrocities even though they were lookalikes. They were poles apart despite looking the same in appearance.
But Emery was not released.
Not much of was heard of Idi Amin in that jail for the next year.
In 1980, Emery and Kwizera learned that Amin went to Saudi Arabia to remain there all his life. A deal was worked to keep Amin way from Africa.
Still, Emery and Kwizera were not released.
They pleaded for their release. There was no lawyer to represent them. There was not even a judge to hear their case. After the mission was completed, post of the chief of the mission code named Tiger was scrapped. The only people whom Emery and Kwizera could talk were the prison authorities who only heard them but never gave satisfying answers.
“Why we cannot go?” Kwizera asked.
“They may kill you. Let Amin die. Then you will go. Amin’s people have already killed many. They even bombed a hotel in Kenya” was the reply.
One day Emery received some photos of his family. He cried looking at the photos. His daughters looked tall and beautiful. It was eight years since he had not seen them. In the photos, his wife looked bit tensed. Reeth and Rama had grown up. Once freed, he wanted to marry them off to good boys.
‘Rama my child… Are you not missing my beard? You will see me soon.’ Emery said to himself. He drank his tears which touched his lips. Emery was happy that his wife and daughters were alive. With so many bad things happening in his country, only these photos could confirm that they were not dead.
Kwizera too received his family’s photos.
Both did not know that they were altered photos. Intelligence agencies could do anything. Mossad did not lag behind in this type of game.
But in Emery’s mind, the old images of Reeth, Rama and his wife changed. They were replaced by new images.
He could only rejoice the arrival of photos but not freedom. Every day he kissed the photos and made sure the tears did not harm them.
In 1989, it was said that Idi Amin tried to return to Uganda and landed in Kinshasa, Zaire. But he was sent back from to Saudi Arabia by the Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko. Nothing changed. Again and again, wardens in jail asked Emery to mimic Idi Amin to entertain the inmates. He was once told to attend a military party to play Amin in military attire. Everybody clapped and enjoyed it.
Emery cried after the show.
“Am I an entertainer?” He asked himself.
After he had heard about the Burundian genocide of 1993, he did not remain the same, Emery. He did not want the details of the genocide. He had seen people dying when the previous genocide took place in 1972. He had lost many relatives then. The clashes between two tribes Hutu and Tutsi had shaken him. He did not understand why human beings fought.
Days passed… And years too. Emery and Kwizera did not ask for their release since they knew it was of no use. Emery spent the whole day thinking about his family and on genocide. Many times he visualised the dead bodies of his daughters and wife killed in the genocide and wept.
Kwizera was a reformed man. He was very much into prayers. Both prayed together.
“God will listen to our prayers Emery...” Kwizera would tell Emery almost every day.
Ultimately a day came when it was announced that Amin died in exile. But it was already the year 2003, and the day was the 16th of August. Emery was already a lost person. The jail warden said they would be released.
All clapped. Prisoners said goodbye to Emery and Kwizera.
Over the years some prisoners had died, some were released after serving their terms and some new prisoners had come. There were very few who had spent as many years as Emery and Kwizera. They were taken in a car to a small bungalow in a military vehicle.
“You will have to wait for two days because the President has to take an official decision.”A military man told them.
The President had changed. And even his advisers.
The president was briefed about Emery and Kwizera. He did not have any objection to send them back. It was 30 years since they were brought and 27 years after the rescue operation. Even the serial killers face lesser sentences.
“Why should we send them back?” One of the advisers said. “To create more problems? Nobody except some knows that we brought them from Burundi. Why take a risk? How it is going to help us if we sent them home? These things are never done in military set up”
“So you do not want to send them back to their country. You want us to keep them here? Their families can be brought here and let them spend the rest of life here? That is better” The President said.
“Why again take a risk? Even these things are not done in a military set up. And who knows they are alive? Thousands of them died years back. Either genocide or Aids killed the Burundians like mosquitoes” The adviser laughed as if the Burundians were not human beings.
“What do you want us to do?”
“Just kill them.”
The President had to listen to this adviser whom he thought always talked logic. The president was a very kind person. He cared about his country but did not have any obligation to care for people like Emery and Kwizera. And Burundi, the tiny country would not wage a war against them even if they come to know that two of their citizens were detained in Israel for years and have been killed unjustly. Burundi had lost more than 300,000 of its people in genocides.
Four gunmen entered the bungalow where Emery and Kwizera were lodged. Six other gunmen remained outside. Emery was found in the sitting room alone. He thought the gunmen had come to take them to the airport. The gunmen always accompanied them while they moved before the completion of mission years back.
The gunmen did not talk to him anything except one of them said gently “Die you old man” in Hebrew. Emery knew Hebrew considerably well after living in Israel for so many years.
The gunmen did not wait for Emery to talk. They opened fire from their AK 47 assault rifles…. Why so many gunmen and so many bullets to kill an armless person? Just because he was ‘powerful’ as ‘the president’ for a few moments of his life?
Instantly Emery collapsed and fell on his own pool of blood on the floor. Emery wanted to say something. That was- “Why did not you kill me in Entebbe airport itself once the operation was over? You could have thrown my body on the tarmac like that of a dog…. I am worse than a dog after all”
But Emery was too wounded to say anything.
Emery was a happy farmer, and then became a lookalike of a President. While he was trained, he led a luxury life, but without his family. He became an imitator, the ‘unofficial’ President of Uganda for a few minutes and then a prisoner, occasionally a joker.
Amin lived a luxurious life in exile. He had killed more than 200000 people during his regime. But nobody ever dared to touch him. On the contrary it was alleged that he was given good money for keeping quiet in Saudi Arabia. Nobody knows why Saudi Arabia gave Amin the asylum. Nobody will ever know for what offense Emery spent three decades in Israel.
Amin’s funeral was given good publicity and respects.
Happiest moments of Emery came while he lived with his family. His whole life came to his mind in a flashback when he lay on the floor. His mother always said that his name ‘Emery’ meant ‘a heroic man’, but what heroic man was he? Was he as heroic as Idi Amin who was blessed with freedom all his life? Emery’s father always differed with his mother when they talked about the meaning of Emery’s name. He said it meant ‘blessed with fortune’ in Kirundi language. But Emery never discovered ‘fortune’ unless someone calls his life in Israel a fortune.
The new images of wife and daughters appeared while the time to say goodbye to earth came. “Oh God” Emery exclaimed to close his eyes forever.
The assaulters went to Kwizera’s room with their assault rifles. There were many bullets left to kill another man. They did not have to waste bullets to kill Kwizera. He was already dead with shock.