Journey Of The Braves
Journey Of The Braves

The starship gleamed in the starlight, a gold and silver dream of a ship, thrusters spread like the wings of a mediator flying across the air. Waiting for the other team to come in. While the other team’s ship was waiting patiently, sitting on the three short inclined landing support, boarding ramp down, ion thrusters waiting to show its luster. The ship has to wait for two more hours before things can get started.
Keith Alan crossed the wide-open door leading to the third cabinet of the ship. Here he connected to to ask “How much more time will team-2 take to come”. By the time SaarD00 crossed the incoming door which leads to Sector 3-E. He was walking through the bright and very nicely lit up the corridor with LED color changing RGB lights. There he saw Keith using the ships’ telecom device. He went near him to talk with him” Commander can you please tell when we are going to depart?” “After an hour, our second team is not yet ready to launch. “oh yeah, more 1 hour, what are they?” “Idiots!” Answered Commander (Keith Alan) very furiously.
“It’s almost 1 hour and 45 minutes, and they didn’t come till now, team 2 is a snail group: very slow, very weak. “After 2 hours their ship was ready to be launched: Engine started, Ion thrusters throwing the flame out of its exhaust and glowing like the sun. The ship started levitating itself. There was the only the sound of ion thrusters and it started its journey. At unfathomable speed, vanished into space in only about 2 seconds.
“So ludicrous, we are waiting for two hours and doing nothing!” said Commander Keith Alan. “Sir, calm down they will be here at any moment… oh here they are” said SaarD00 looking through the seamless window. The Second Force known as CE-42 emerged beside their ship from nowhere. “Yes!” Exclaimed Commander.
Force 2 left their ship and took a step on the luxurious EC-42. In an instant EC-42 Commander rebuked CE-42. “How farcical can you all be, it's almost 2 and a half hours you took to come here. Leave it, let’s move, we don’t have much time within us”.
The ship was moving with a glamorous sight of space all around them. While everyone was having fun, Noman Balfour was trying to reach to his bunker in the 20th cabinet named sector 20-A, where the 30th engine is located. While he was walking towards his bunker, through the window extending over till cabinet 14, he was astonished to find an object flying towards the space ship. It was a white and blue colored rectangular box drifting through space and before he could react, it hit the ship. It crashed into cabinet 13-E where the main control panel was located. The control panel was ruined, fortunately, they had primary and secondary control panels.
With this hit, a portion of cabinet 13-E got ejected. But Noman was mildly astonished as the walls of cabinet 14 extended till cabinet 12. Later he understood that it was a part of the ships’ safety feature. The ships’ A.I. was programmed to heal itself during these kinds of situations.
But in cabinet 13-E Claire was sleeping while the Cabinet was moving through space. “Okay so what just happened? Claire just got ejected to space, oh no she was our new crew member and this her first work, I am feeling so bad about her.” But Claire can stay alive for 5 years as enough water, food, and oxygen was provided in the cabinet – only if she does not open the cabinet door into space!!
Suddenly Keith Alan called his crew for a brief.” So how many have we lost?” “2” everyone said except Noman Balfour “1”. “How can you forget the control panel is just like an alive object. I don’t even need all of you to control this ship, in fact, control panel could easily control the whole ship and all of you,” said Commander.
In this commotion, they did not see that there was an enormous starfield on the horizon. It streaked silver in the backdrop of a crimson glare of antique supernova. Suddenly the ship’s power went down. No sight of light… only darkness. Fortunately, Commander had an emergency flashlight to restart the electricity generator. But their 1st generators’ battery was ove
r, so he turned on the 2nd backup generator. Also, the resources of ion thrusters were also really low. Commander had no other plan but to land on the nearest safe planet.
“Listen, everyone, we are landing on a planet named Ontarian” said the commander. The ship lowered the intensity of its thrusters and beautifully landed on a very dark and crepuscular environment. No light No shine. Only can take a glimpse of the supernova.
They all left the ship but they didn’t know what was inside the planet. There was a civilization hiding deep inside the planet and this planet was known as god of ‘Hide and seek.’ The inhabitants of that planet started developing their colony vertically downwards. They enslave the mortals which take a single step on the surface.
They didn’t know what was the secret of the planet and Noman Balfour was very was very excited to be the first to set foot on the planet. Stubborn that he was he took a step on that planet disregarding the call for restraint from the commander. His legs were getting sucked by the planet. To save him Keith pulled him back up. “You are such an obstinate, learn from your mistakes fool.” screamed the commander.
Suddenly some type eerie sound came into their ears. It was from all around them. “You all should know what we have done to survive. We lost all our food and water on Mars as our technology had developed but we forgot to save natural things for our lives. Then we moved to about 10 planets and annihilated the residents of the planet for our survival but we didn’t get much food and water and oxygen too. Finally, our ship crashed on this planet and we were stuck underneath the ground. Here we found water, food and oxygen all together we evolved ourselves from humans to Tuntarins - the destruction machine… of all time.”
They saw some kind of species rising from the ground, they were getting an odd feeling of an imminent attack. Suddenly a small creature appeared in front of them, they were not scared. But when over 1000 arrived they started running like crazy. “Ahahahahahhahah! Someone save me.” They didn’t even have any time to react.
The army of Tuntarins was rising, the war was getting bloody. Tuntarins were using their laser weapons to attack them, half of the commander’s team had died. SaarD00 had almost annihilated 20 of them, but he got badly injured. Commander and about 15 crew members went back to their space ship and tried to contain the Tuntarins. But Tuntarins had stopped their ship by damaging the ion thrusters. “Oh, no we are over, ion thrusters please work.” exclaimed the commander.
Commander had a worm hole generator- the time vortex but was scared to use it, as the last time he had used it, it got unstable and transformed into a black hole and destroyed half of a galaxy. But Noman couldn’t shut his voice for a second. “Commander, time vortex black hole edition, that’s our only way out”.
”Time vortex, okay fine I need to do it again” gasped the commander. He did not want to use the time vortex, because, if he uses the worm hole and it gets unstable it could create a black hole that could destroy half of the galaxy, and this kind of black hole grows very fast.
Unwittingly commander opened the vortex and this was the last he had. But to save anything you need to give away something. He deployed it and not only one vortex opened, but about 10 opened. All the 10 mixed together and formed a super time vortex. He let everyone enter the vortex and was the last one to enter it. They all got send back to CE-42 Ship, which was near their planet. “what where are we now?” asked Ray. “I think this is CE-42 ship, oh finally now we are safe.”
While in Ontarian the time vortex got unstable created a singularity and sucked the whole planet into it, with not even letting an atom hovering around.
They controlled the ship and landed on their planet, but their planet looked like mirror, everything was left and right side inverted like a plane mirror. “this is not our planet” Said David. “No, this is our planet, but we are in the mirror universe” answered the commander.