Sneha Chatterjee

Children Stories Drama Inspirational


Sneha Chatterjee

Children Stories Drama Inspirational

Innocent Robbery

Innocent Robbery

3 mins

Raju is buying ice cream as he loves to eat ice creams and rarely gets money from his grandmother to buy one. He lives with his grandmother as his parents are in town for work. They are poor and his parents come once in 6 months to meet them, his grandmother stitches clothes and also makes rotis for few houses.

Raju comes back home and ask's his grandmother to have ice cream but he sees his grandmother isn't well and is lying on the only bed that they own. Raju asks"What happen aji?"but she nodded her head and said"Nothing Raju, come sit next to me!". Raju was just 7 years old and he didn't know why his grandmother wasn't like usual. He then saw her temperature as his grandmother used to do when he wasn't well and found out that she was steaming hot and said to his grandmother"Aji you are temperature is very high, I think if I keep my ice cream onto you, even it would melt". His grandmother laughed and she was trying to get up but she couldn't and again fell onto the bed. Raju remembered how his grandmother would take care of him when he wasn't well and he went to the kitchen bought a towel and water and kept it on her forehead.

His grandmother had tears in her eyes, his grandmother was getting even worse now. Raju didn't know what to do? He remembered something and without informing his grandmother ran out of the home in bare foot in the scorching heat. His feets were burning as he forgot his shoes but he didn't stop and kept running. . . he reached a hospital where his grandmother would show him when he used to be ill. He entered the hospital and went straight to the reception and asked about the doctor.

The receptionist told he is in operation theatre and would be seeing patients after sometime. She asked if he needed an appointment? But Raju doesn't know what does that mean and he said "My ajji is having fever, she can't get out of bed, I want doctor to visit my home". The receptionist laughed at him and said "Sorry! Doctor is busy! He will not be able to come to your home, your grandmother should be bought here". The receptionist got a call and she was busy attending the call.

Meanwhile the doctor finished his operation and went into his cabin. Raju saw him and ran behind him. The doctor was packing to go home! Raju saw this and went to his cabin, took his stethoscope, and ran. The doctor shouted but he didn't stop. The doctor took his briefcase and followed him. Raju ran as fast as he could and finally reached his house. The doctor came in and said "Hey kid that's not a toy to play with and why did you rob it?".

Raju said "Doctor uncle I know its not a toy but I want you to check my Aji. She's not well and cannot come to you. I went to the hospital and the receptionist laughed at me and said you cannot come! So I thought if I take your stethoscope then you would follow me and check my Ajji. I'm sorry! I am not a robber".

The doctor had tears in his eyes and checked his grandmother and also prescribed medicines and bought it for them. He blessed Raju and said "If you have any problem, contact in my number, I'll come", and gave his number.

His grandmother was in tears and started recovering slowly.

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