Anusha Sathia

Children Stories Inspirational Children


Anusha Sathia

Children Stories Inspirational Children

Go green

Go green

1 min

I’m going to save the planet one day, Didi!”

“Oh yes? How?”

“By listening to Mumma! Mumma said to use a mug while brushing my teeth and to never litter. Yesterday, I saw this Bhaiya throw a chocolate wrapper on the street. I got so angry at him, Didi! He jaldi picked it up and threw it in the dustbin. He was sorry, toh then I wasn't angry. But I shout at my friends also if they litter.”

“That’s very good! But how are you going to save the planet?”

“If I stop everyone from littering, then our Earth will be clean and green. And if Earth is clean and green, our planet is safe na?

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