Riddhi Srivastava



Riddhi Srivastava




1 min

Pai was an arrogant man. He needed no one's help. He felt he was complete and needed no friends. Friendship is for the weak, incapable of doing their work.

Because he was arrogant, nobody liked to talk with him. One day, he was going on his way when he fell down in a hole. He saw many people passing by but asked nobody's help as he thought he needed no one to help him out. He was trying to get himself out of the hole. Long time passed and he was still unsuccessful. The sun was setting. Unwill

ingly, he shouted to a man for help. The man was a bullock-cart driver. He pulled him out and offered to drop him to his home. On the way, they chatted and bonded. The cart driver then went on his way but invited Pai to his home for lunch the next day. The next day, Pai went to his home. They had lunch and shared memories. While returning home, Pai felt happy. He had not felt such happiness before. He now understood what the cart driver was for him. He was his friend. He now understood what friends are for.

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