Er. Piyush Pandey



Er. Piyush Pandey


Friends are Treasure

Friends are Treasure

6 mins

Ramesh and Suresh were close friends studying in the same school. The school of nation Suresh used to organize many competitions related to science, mathematics, geography, politics, and much more in which a large number of students often participated and won good awards. The school of Ramesh and Suresh was custard to be the best school in the city because along with teaching academic subjects they used to groom their children in multiple ways evolving their overall personality.

But the problem was that the school only focused on developing subjective knowledge of the children. Whatever seminars, conferences, and events the school organized were solely based on core subjects like Mathematics, Hindi, Sanskriti, Geography, History, and Political science. Much concentration was not given to extracurricular activities. Ramesh was a brilliant student excellent in all his subjects and he always use to score more than 75% in all his subjects. His teachers were fairly happy with his performance and used to praise him in multiple locations. The parents of Ramesh also felt proud of him as their son was the best Student in the school.

But Suresh was not like that. Suresh was the exact opposite of Ramesh. He was very dull in his studies. He was having less knowledge of subjects as compared to Ramesh. Sometimes teachers of Suresh often used to insult him in front of Ramesh's entire class which made him disheartened. He felt humiliated but could not do anything. But Suresh had a great talent, he was a good artist. He was perfect in drawing and painting. He was so perfect that only on the basis of his imagination he used to draw big drawings. The combination of colors that he used in his paintings was exceptional and just like professional painters. Whenever he dreams of anything his friends always appreciated him.

But still, the teachers of Suresh were not happy because Suresh was very bad in academics. His talent was not considered worthy by any office teachers. One day it was the type of annual function in that school and the school authority is were organizing many tournaments related to mathematics, Science, statistics, Hindi, Sanskrit, and much more. All the students started preparing for the competition with full enthusiasm but Suresh was sitting quite alone. Nobody came to him to ask in what type of competition he wants to participate. Nobody bothers about him. The teachers were taking care of all the other students who were preparing different things for that tournament but nobody was willing to share any idea with Suresh.

Suresh was sitting sadly with tears in his eyes when Ramesh patted his back. Ramesh said, "Hey Suresh why you are upset man?" Suresh said, "Hey Ramesh, I heard that you're participating in a mathematics tournament." Ramesh said, "Oh yes. You see it is my favourite subject." Ramesh said, "Why you are not participating in any of the tournaments?" Suresh said, "No, I don't like such tournaments. I am fine, you please prepare for your mathematics competition." Saying these words Suresh left that place with a smile on his face. Ramesh stood there for a while and then left.

It was the day of the competition. It was compulsory for everyone to be present at that competition. Half-heartedly Suresh also came. Different counters

versus setups in reference to different types of competitions. Ramesh was sitting in participating in the mathematics counter. Suresh, in a sad mood, was just observing different students taking part in different types of competitions related to mathematics, Science, Hindi, Sanskrit, and many other subjects. With tears in his eyes, Suresh was sitting at the extreme corner of the arena where these competitions were happening. From the other end of the arena, Ramesh was closely observing Suresh. 

Suddenly he stood from his seat and rust towards the class teacher's cabin. He returned from there after 15 minutes and again sat at his place. The principal stood on stage and said that now it was time to announce the winners of the competition. Listening to the words of Principal Suresh became more disheartened. As the principal was about to say something the class teacher stopped him, "Excuse me Sir. Sorry to interrupt, but we have one more competition left." The Principal allowed the class teacher to announce that competition. Picking up the mike the class teacher said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry. I forgot to tell you the last category of competition is the painting and drawing competition and the final results will be declared after this. So the competition starts within 10 minutes. All the interested participants can go to classroom number 11." Listening to the words of his class teacher Suresh was very happy and he participated with full enthusiasm in that drawing competition. After the competition was over the results were declared. Surprisingly Suresh won the competition. Everybody was shocked to hear that Suresh won the competition, he stood first.

And now it was the time to appreciate the. The principal of the school called Suresh on the podium and presented his gold medal and a trophy. Suresh was only crying. Looking at his tears, even teachers could not stop crying because, for the first time in his life, he got an award. It was a great moment for Suresh. 

As the competition was over in everything got wrapped up, Suresh went to his class teacher is given and thanked him a lot for introducing a drawing competition also. The class teacher said, "Thank you very much Suresh but it was not my idea. It was the idea of your close friend Ramesh. He came to my cabin and said that I must introduce a competition of drawing also. Suresh, I am very happy that you qualified for this competition and I also knew that only you will qualify for this competition. And Suresh please focus on something in which you are perfect. And not just focus on it but try to improve it more and more if you can gain some professional benefit out of it, that you should also try. The secret of becoming a good professional is becoming perfect in one particular thing and that may be anything. All the best."

Tears rolled down the eyes of Suresh. He touched the feet of his teacher & rushed towards his classroom. Ramesh was sitting in his seat. He said, "Hey Suresh, why running so fast man?" Suresh rushed towards Ramesh & hugged him tight, "You are really a true friend Ramesh. Thank you, thank you very much." Ramesh said, "Hey Suresh, don't forget the rule of friendship, no sorry, no thank you." Both of them started laughing.

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