Every Action Has A Reaction
Every Action Has A Reaction

Divya, a software engineer was working in Accenture company. She was workaholic. She was mostly free in the evening and after that she get bored generally. One day one of her cousin sent a link of her blog on whatsApp. She read her blog and she liked it, after that she thought, "I always get bored in evening, if I start blogging then may be I will not get bored."
But she did not like writing. Just for passing the time finally she started to write.
Her writing skills were too good so whatever came in her mind she wrote on blog. Then after publishing that blog she was very excited to saw the number of likes. She even checked her blogs in office many times but she got only 2 likes and no follower. Then she wrote article again on blog and result was same.
For 1 month she wrote daily on blog but the result was 5-6 likes and 1 follower only. As she wrote onl
y for interest not for money but lesser likes and followers on blog demotivated her.
Then one day her colleague told her about Newton's third law that "EVERY ACTION HAS A REACTION". If you will hit the wall, then wall will also hit you.
After listening his conversation, one thing stroke in her mind, if I will read,like and follow the other blogs then definitely they will also read, like and follow my blogs.
Then in evening she gave time to writing as well as reading other blogger's blog. She wrote only one blog but read, liked and followed 5 new blogs daily. As she did her action so in reaction, she got same thing. Her followers and likes were increasing. In the end of second month, she got 150 likes and 75 followers. She was happy and loved blogging.
The moral is "EVERY ACTION HAS A REACTION", whatever you do, you will get same thing in reverse.