You all are absolutely correct, I wish to be born a decade ago, where they were no phone, facebook, ... You all are absolutely correct, I wish to be born a decade ago, where they were ...
Cricket is not a hobby here in India; it can never be, where the crowds cheer for the legends... Cricket is not a hobby here in India; it can never be, where the crowds cheer fo...
Deepali was run immediately to the hospital, Doctor looked at her and applied cream on her hands Deepali was run immediately to the hospital, Doctor looked at her and applied cr...
Ajay felt awful yet again watching Raima's never ending tantrums. Ajay felt awful yet again watching Raima's never ending tantrums.
Sonu was of soft nature and very much talkative, somehow he found more closeness among his cousin si... Sonu was of soft nature and very much talkative, somehow he found more closeness...
Happiness and satisfaction together make sure to keep life moving. Happiness and satisfaction together make sure to keep life moving.