Do You Love Me?
Do You Love Me?

Do You Love Me?
So much in today's world, it's all about you.
When it should be all about him loving you.
You want God to love you, to give you things, to answer your prayers. But God loves you despite. Despite your shortcomings, and despite your sins.
We need to know that love is a defender, love never gives up, and never loses faith. Love is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.
Yet you won't forgive, you want to sit in it, but you won't ask for forgiveness. You just want to be right. That is not love.
Real love will sit in the fire with you and will sit there until you get it. It never gives up, it always is in faith.
Love doesn't stop, if you can stop then there was never any love in the first place.
Love and death fought on the cross and it looked like death had one. But God wanted to show us true love so much that he gave his only son for us.
God proved his love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. See, love is a sacrifice.
In the bible only the women came to Jesus after his death as all the men hid. Even though they knew they may be killed, they came anyway. He had nothing to give them but their love for him kept going. This is agape love. This is the love God speaks about.
We need to love him enough to die to the desire to run away from the call to love.
Love him enough to love yourself through your greatest disappointment.
You have to remember you have God in your darkest hour, in your darkest space.
He is and always will be for you.
So today my friends, remember it's not all about you. Remember the love God has for us, remember the love God showed to us by giving us his only son.
Remember what true love is when God asks you "Do you love me?”
“Be the change you want to see”