D. maze



D. maze


Dear best friend

Dear best friend

2 mins

You are the only real friend l have got I will never forget you all my life 

First l was not known you then you become my friend then my sister then you become my example in the life

I do not care if you consider me a friend or not , but I do 

I do not care if you love me or not , but I do 

I do not care if you consider me a sister or not , but I do 

I do not care if you forgeted me in the future or not , but I will not , you will stay in my heart in my memory in my actions you will stay in every where I go 

You are my guardian angel

Thank you for being in my life and sorry about every thing I had made i

t when I was stupid in the past when I was not know any thing about real friendship sorry about the problems l did it to you sorry because I was far frome you when you was needing me sorry about every thing bad happened to you because of me 

I have changed because of you I know that you will not take any thing frome my changing know because it is too late 

And I know that if l said sorry frome know to my death I will not atone for my mistakes towards you 

Believe me I become a human because of you .and I still have a lot of words that I can't write it here but my heart full of it 

Just thank you and sorry .


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