Are You Really A Teacher?
Are You Really A Teacher?

"Namasteeeyyy Ma’am…"
Exactly the way you are reading it with rhythm, my day starts like that! An ebullient bunch of cute kids sits in the class quietly just to show obedience and respect. As soon as I reach my class, children stand up with a lot of enthusiasm, they sincerely hope and pray that I forget to be a Hitler when it comes to their turn out!
“Where is your ID card Preetam?”, “Why is your hair not braided Soniya?”, “When will you clip your nails Harsh?”… The list is endless...I always wondered, how they could forget so many things. But over a period of time, I realized that there is one CONSTANT, which they never forget and that is, their LOVE for me!
I realized over these years that ‘a smile’ can actually change equations with kids! At times it becomes difficult to smile, you feel more like taking those claws out! But their cutes face with limpid eyes are dangerous, they lead to another ‘okay I give in’!
Being a teacher
is SO NOT easy, I am under the vigilance of these little human CCTV cameras all the time! Sometimes the tables turn and questions are fired at me! “Why did you suddenly get married?!” “Do you cut your hair?” “You didn’t invite us to your marriage!”
The best one was a year back when I was still ‘Miss Das’, "Ma’am if you are 29 then why are you NOT married till now?”
I didn’t know my ‘marriage’ could actually stir things up like this! Children… It’s hard to be around them. But I still love teaching them, they are innocent, they don’t have the understanding of any complexity of life, they want to enjoy and relax. Study, of course, is a burden sometimes.
Let’s pledge, not to leave children alone, let us love them unconditionally, let us appreciate them, nurture them, let’s not be harsh... let us remember, they are the little ‘humans’. Let us bestow them with a conducive environment for their growth, let us inculcate love and peace!
Best wishes!