Achieve Your Goal
Achieve Your Goal
One day a trainer was observing a practice session of some soldiers who were practicing in the ground. Among all soldiers, he noticed that there was a young soldier who was trying to perform a specific move but he was not able to do.
It seemed to the trainer that the young soldier was getting disturbed due to the presence of other soldiers in the ground. Trainer understood the soldier frustration and called him. Trainer questioned soldier," What is bothering you"?
The soldier replied in the strained expression, “I don’t understand why I am not able to perform this move..
. I don’t know, I am trying.
Trainer tapped on his shoulder and walked near a stream. The trainer spoke to the young soldier, Look at the stream. There are rocks on its way, does it stop flowing?
No, it will not slam these rocks; it will simply flow around them and move on. So, Be Like Water.
The young soldier understood the trainer advise and went back to the ground to practice that move. He concentrated his focus and didn’t notice other soldier and finally, he performed that move.
Moral: Don’t let your circumstances bother you.