A Graph Between Love And Time
A Graph Between Love And Time

Evening of distrust
Tears roll from her eyes down the cheek as Drupi bends down to pick the towel from the bed.
Never once in his life had he put the things to their right place, she murmured as she wiped off her tears. She indulges herself in cleaning whenever she is upset, it gives her clarity. More tears fell as she bend down for the coffee mug.
By the time she finished cleaning, the whole room seemed to be crying. When the fan started again, every tear that was fallen rolled back to her eyes.
She succumbed to the outpouring anguish that is arising from hundreds of promises and dreams that have just been shattered.
She sat on the floor, the room is filled with shrieks and mourns. She is holding a card in one hand and quire in another. The front page says that Parth has added a nominee named Manya in his will and the card is of a Lawyer named Mr. Nandan. By googling she found out that he is a divorce specialist.
The play of Maya in the morning
Parth was standing dull and numb, his hands were hanging from the shoulders, fingers seems dead. Without uttering a word he stood, looking like he is on the verge of submitting himself to gravity and soon will fall. When his legs started trembling Dr. Charak and Mr. Nandan move forward to hold him up.
Nandan passed a glass of water to Parth. He spoke for the first time since Charaka told him about the medical condition of Drupi and that there is a huge risk for Drupi in conceiving.
She'll die uncle! She cannot hear this, Parth shout.
Mr. Charaka being friends with Parth's father knows everything about Parth and Drupi.
He remembered the day when Shastri Sir was worried about some Naadi Dosha coming out from the combination of planetary positions in their respective Janam Patrikas. Charaka couldn't help thinking, how love tests some people? Or is it something else that tries to break the bond? What is the force that keeps it together?
Shastri Sir told Parth and Drupi that there will be problems, difficulties. Both of them replied to him, "we'll arrange our planets and polish our stars."
He could tell after looking at them that they can do it. He smiled and looked at their parents and gave them a go-ahead signal.
Charaka is glad to witness the presence of such strong love but aghast to see the condition of Parth right now. He looked at the sinking Parth and then looked at Mr. Nandan who is looking after his divorce case, his eyes were moist.
Mr. Nandan pats Parth's shoulder and asked him if he could help. How? Parth inquired Charaka is also intrigued.
Mr. Nandan started saying::
I was dealing with a case of a lady named Manya. I mean not professionally. Her husband divorced her on the phone! She was at the hospital expecting his baby. Her in-laws got the gender of the baby illegally and didn't want their first grandchild to be a girl. They asked Manya to abort her child and when she refused, they tried different "methods" to ensure that happens. The Sooner she got that she could not survive and ran away from their house.
I saw her dragging herself o
n a street, took her to the hospital. I was there when she got a call from her husband. She was devastated, not because of anything that has happened till now but because she was expecting her husband to come for her. She told me after the call that he loved her. There was a sudden change in that lady, she broke.
She couldn't survive, her girl did. Actually, she was already dead after the call, just waiting to give this life inside her a chance.
There was no one to claim, so she is under my custody right now. And I have to give her to Child Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) within two days.
What do you say Mr. Nandan asked Parth. Trail of thoughts began inside him. Nandan knock on him and told him that he does not have much time. Once the case is transferred to CARA you have to go through a process that won't ensure Manya's custody to you. I named her after her mother. The girl deserves good parents.
Parth said yes, but don't know why. He didn't ask anyone, even he can't figure out himself why this yes came out.
Dr. Charaka was astonished and delighted to see all this. He was wondering about the mysteries of love and life. He is in awe of the nature of life and its beautiful way of creating the symphony out of the noise. He wondered love is the composer that creates harmony out of chaos.
Mr. Nandan did the papers with the name Manya and hand over his card and papers to him.
Parth comes back in the afternoon and is indulge in the aftermath of what just happened.
He is having second thoughts and decides to take some time before telling Drupi. He put papers and Mr. Nandan's card in a drawer and left home till evening.
Anand raga of the night
Parth comes home with a decision to cancel the adoption. He enters the hall to see Drupi standing still and looking at the door. It seems she was waiting for a while. She is quiet and not saying anything. Parth couldn't get what happened with her.
He moves slowly towards Drupi and the doorbell rings, he reversed his movement and opened the door.
Mr. Nandan cheerfully enters the hall, announcing, Manya is here. Sorry, I couldn't wait, he says to Parth. The name caught Drupi's attention and there she saw a baby in this big man's hands.
Parth is out of any reaction.
She wakes up the whole hall is filled with Manya's cackle. Manya is putting all her strength into crying, moving both her hands rapidly, tossing her legs. The whole of the home has sulked in this beautiful presence of this opera music-like sound.
And Drupi! Drupi just watched this little girl, the whole sight took her to the next level of clarity.
About Parth, about life, and about their love.
Tears of ecstasy are oozing out of Drupi's eyes. Looking at her Parth got his answer and could not contain his happiness.
Drupi moved towards Mr. Nandan, he hands over Manya to her, looked at Parth, and told him that I personally wanted to come to you for this. He smiled.
Parh looked towards Drupi and Drupi looked towards him. None of them finds the need to say anything.
Drupi says Abhimanya! We'll name her Abhimanya.