When Death Finds You…
When Death Finds You…

When death finds you, let it find you alive
And then the two old buddies can go for a long drive
At the corner of the memory lane where the life fades away
Both friends can appreciate the beauty of those evanescent days
When oblivion surrounds you, don’t worry, you won’t disappear
Traces of your existence would linger in the talks of your loved ones, in their tears
Handing you the key that opens the palace of eternity, your cadaver would peacefully rest in the tomb
And as from the paradise,
you can watch the end of the infinity, tales of your past enlightening the room
Relics of your survival would be found in the works you leave behind
Your endurance would be the ray of hope, the ultimate sunshine
Everyone would remember the curl that illuminating your face as you peacefully closed your eyes
Becoming the brightest star of all, glimmering in your mundane light
When death finds you, let it be hypnotized
By the way, you lived; let it be inspired by your infinite tries…