Verse For An Unknown Person
Verse For An Unknown Person

There will be many known people,
At the very first meeting, they are unknown people.
We never know which stranger becomes a friend,
Time is different for different people to befriend.
Everyone is a stranger in a new location,
Meeting new people is always a sensation.
An Unknown person will be always present in any travel,
Introduction with name begins the way to unravel.
Then there is an exchange of personal details,
Same Mother-Tongue leads to sharing more details.
When the conversation goes for a longer duration,
The stranger makes a food or beve
rage presentation.
This is the time to exercise caution and be careful,
We need to first ask the stranger to eat the food a handful.
We never know what addictive substance is added,
We never know when our senses may get degraded or faded.
Children should be taught to be away from strangers,
Their unwanted control may bring in big dangers.
No way should the whereabouts be shared in the first meeting,
No way should the financial details be shared in any meeting.
Better is to keep a distance with an unknown person,
We may end up facing an arson or a ransom.