Beauty entailed, an enduring one, So as truth was found, undone. Beauty entailed, an enduring one, So as truth was found, undone.
The poem shows the pain of the heartache and the hustles of life. The poem shows the pain of the heartache and the hustles of life.
You know, My Tone Never Lie, Kudos I Need Natures Beauty and Like Natures Blessing You know, My Tone Never Lie, Kudos I Need Natures Beauty and Like Natures Bless...
"Not any sunny tone From any fervent zone Find entrance there" "Not any sunny tone From any fervent zone Find entrance there"
My Tone Never Lie You I Need Nature’s Blessing with Nature’s Orders Never Give up Life Order My Tone Never Lie You I Need Nature’s Blessing with Nature’s Orders Never Give u...
What makes someone happy, What makes someone happy,