The World Of Pure Heart
The World Of Pure Heart

Love, care, respect and unity,
Hard work, faith, patience, and positivity,
Help, forgiveness, simplicity, and honesty
Are the pillars of humanity.
Love, love, love
Care, care, care
Love and care
Best things to share
United we stand,
Divided we fall.
Makes us understand,
To keep unity in all.
Never say no to hard work,
Even if it is difficult to work,
As only the achieved fruition,
Will give you the greatest satisfaction.
In any aspect,
Always show resp
To parents, teachers,
Elders as well as strangers.
Forgiveness is the greatness,
Forgive and forget,
Are the words in the bracket.
We must always have patience,
In many situations,
In order to achieve our ambitions.
The reward for helping,
is the blessing,
From the needy,
And you achieve this blessing,
Only if your heart is not greedy
Life is all about,
Living, helping and thinking positively
And spreading positivity,
Is our responsibility.