The Staff Mirror
The Staff Mirror

Early in the morning
As the clock ticks to seven;
The wait of the mirror
Meets its end.
As men in blue
Seven, eleven or twenty
Que themselves
To overlap their faces onto
Faces that the mirror
already holds.
The faces being replaced
one after another
With a more handsome one
At least everyone
Bending close to it
Almost sinking say
Handsome here is 'none'.
Prejudiced are they
or is that the self love?
The mirror probably
knows the difference.
It's a frantic race
When t
he bell commands
Their movement.
Unwilling to depart
From the praises that
The mirror casts;
The hansome moves
With a handsome pride.
The average with poise
And grace and delight.
And then I
chance to gaze in the mirror
Musing if the mirror
Would adore me...
Gentle I am
And gentler the mirror
seems to me.
It smiles and says
Only you I found,
Ugly but sound
In thought and quality.
All gazed to find
The beauty that defined
Their outward identity.