Abstract Drama Others



Abstract Drama Others

The Rain And The Walk

The Rain And The Walk

1 min

She walked alone,

Under that red umbrella,

Red as the lost passion,

Buried in a grave,

Moist with unrequited sorrows...

She walked alone,

In the rain for many days,

On journeys to heal the soul...

And still the downpour never stopped...

She walked alone,

But in her mind, 

There was always,

That spirit of the one lost,

Crossing over unseen dimensions...

That while she walked alone,

He found her in the midst,

Of the dreary streets, 

The streets she tried hard to ignore...

He was still there!

Was she walking alone? Was he not gone or lost?

He found a loophole,

And somehow, 

In one evening,

He crossed over,

And the rain was no more....

They walked together...

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