R. Ngamreipou Rongmei



R. Ngamreipou Rongmei


The Lost Friend

The Lost Friend

1 min

Gone but not forgotten, my friend.

Have we come to our journey's end?

If I could encapsulate time and make it last,

Undoubtedly I would capture our past.

Where do you linger, dear mate?

Is it for us to part written in our fate?

Too cruel, I tell you, much pain it inflicts.

Such torturing moment levied on no convicts.

Life without you is dead but I'm alive.

Of times when we were together and naive,

then I felt more lively and contented.

Now I see you in all I have contemplated.

I await for the knock at my door,

When you return, I shall attend the door.

I gaze unto the mead where we had our sport,

and my mind shows me vision of some sort.

I watch the lonely road where we departed.

My eyes fool me to see and had me delighted.

Forever will I have to wait for your return?

Or will my dream into reality someday turn?

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