The Hunter

The Hunter

1 min

He moved slowly through the woods,

As she was taking pleasure after her hunt,

She did take notice of him but pretended to be unaware.

Slowly he loaded his weapon and chose a low lying place where he could lock her.

As she turned her head towards him, She got Angry.

She decided to attack him.

He pressed the trigger, shot her, he freezes her without splattering blood.

She rested, in peace birds witnessed the event they flew with chaos.

He hung her, a

nd his work witnessed his bravery and his presence of mind. In the gallery.

Without any guilt. He received his guest.

Everyone hailed for his work, though he hanged her without any motion vividly.

She still lives in the Wild, by threatening others.

Be a wildlife photographer, save a life by being brave.

Frames are powerful than killer weapons.

Misfire won’t cause much loss,

But targeting the subject of your interest does a wonder while saving flora and fauna.

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