The Green Foliage
The Green Foliage

Sitting on the hilltop
Viewing green meadows
Uplifts my soul high up
Igniting flames of hope
To chase the horizon there
Even though it appears to recede.
As I trek through the forest
Greenery within called to explore
Vivid vegetation spread like tart
Clothing the bark with green moss paint
Cooing life exists in every element.
Nesting birds sing melodious orchestra
Filling every bit of atmosphere
Merry and melody are woven together
On the backbone of relaxation character
Yields mindfulness ever desire.
My soul long this peace
Cleansing every inner being
Of loads heavy to drag
Healing every wound and hurt
Reminding every cheat of the past.
Worthy I feel myself
Every time I lay myself
Into the nurturing hands
Breathing soul of life
Hid in a glaze of money bright.