Advika naik .

Children Stories Others


Advika naik .

Children Stories Others

The Good Night Poem

The Good Night Poem

1 min


Sleep tight,

Don't let the bedbugs bite.

Everyone also against fight,

For the novel-corona virus kite,

And also for its dark light.

Infection of the novel-corona virus is a might,

Please check for its precautionary measures on its website.

Everyone is also never right,

For everybody's different sight.

Even if you are not bright,

It's alright!

Children also learn to read and write,

And most people lov

e the colour white.

Each person with each other should unite,

The person who is always strong is a knight.

Some people are always polite,

And a plant is always upright.

Some people love heights,

But then too they don't like flights.

People also love shirts which are tight,

And they love the boot company named flite.


I again say,


Sleep tight,

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

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