Soul Of Sir Nehru
Soul Of Sir Nehru

Dancing rays and zephyr slow
From the travelling lamp's glow,
Recite the enunciated version
Of rights, care and education.
Morning to seek
With the warmth leaves
Always give us knowledge
And let us witness 'his' deeds...
They grew up with the same
Sight, indeed;
"Education is a crucial deed".
But not all are lucky to seek
And just rove around the streets...
Crawling in the thoughts
Of childhood November 14<
Of how eager they were
Just to celebrate!
And when they came across
The story of this journey day,
They planned to make
The soul of Children see
The real bliss of its psyche...
—Poor children on the streets
Of their city get their gifts
(book, pen and a tape of ABC)
Every November
With a letter wishing them
—Happiness, sent by
"The soul of Sir Nehru".
Happy birthday to sir,
And happy Children's Day
To you!