A sound sleep means A peaceful slumber right through a thunderstorm, A sound sleep means A peaceful slumber right through a thunderstorm,
I resist waking from a slumber I still reminisce a delightfully memorable yesterday I resist waking from a slumber I still reminisce a delightfully memorable yes...
"Shouts came, heavy steps in follow Cleared her face, as slept near hearth." "Shouts came, heavy steps in follow Cleared her face, as slept near hearth."
The women was old and left uncared And bent with chill of winter day, The women was old and left uncared And bent with chill of winter day,
Before the Dawn searches the bottle, Walks a Mile and finds the quarter, Blending with a glass of ... Before the Dawn searches the bottle, Walks a Mile and finds the quarter, Blend...
A poem which inspires us to shed all our sorrows and embrace optimism A poem which inspires us to shed all our sorrows and embrace optimism