Send It Packing
Send It Packing

Sadness is the hole that swallows me whole. The darkness that's inside and out.
It whispers all my failings and points out all that's lost.
It steals the light and happiness from inside my very soul.
It chews up all the hope and good, the building blocks of me.
I try so hard to close it up.
I try so hard to shine.
All I have is my pencil as my sword, to fight all that's dark in mind.
Lost in routine and my mask begins to slip.
I paint it on every day, in the hope that it won't flee.
Today my paint is not holding, my sadness smiles with glee.
As it
points out all my failings, my weakness for all to see.
I don't know where it comes from, perhaps from memories.
I hate the dark and all that scares, I hate the love it steals.
I wish that I could close it, far from thought, far away from me.
Then I would box it up and send it packing, never to be seen.
For it's always found my failings and used them to keep me down.
But I have my mighty sword with me and in words I fight renown.
For one day I'll banish it with light and love you'll see.
One day I'll stand and smile again and always be the good in me.