Delhi Bijaya Laxmi

Children Stories Drama Children


Delhi Bijaya Laxmi

Children Stories Drama Children

Reminiscences Of My Childhood

Reminiscences Of My Childhood

1 min

Childhood is that part of life 

Which is most alluring 

Feeling to recollect it 

Is equally exciting 

My childhood life 

With my parents and siblings 

Friends and cousins 

Were memorable and cherishable 

Nostalgic and fantastic 

Playing with my siblings the ‘Train Journey’ game 

From window to window 

Going to farms with friends 

Were the moments of fun making and joyful 

Learning cooking and stitching from my mom

Listening RAMAYANA and MAHABHARAT from my dad 

Were the memories quite interesting and useful 

During family get-togethers 

Waking late at nights

To play the game of dark-room 

Switching off the lights 

Playing betting games, getting rewards 

Listening to great-grandpa stories from my older cousins 

Will remain with me as treasure 

And will fade never 

Going to my village 

With my paternal uncle and cousins

During summer vacations

Gossiping in open terrace 

Going to movies, beaches 

Collecting shells there 

Were the memories of 

My special attraction 

All ‘cousins get together’

At ‘Kharagpur’

Was the moment of most enchanting 

With acting and dramas 

Playing the game of doctor and nurse with my cousins

Was full of fun and thrill 

With me and my cousin 

As patients taking pills 

Last but not the least 

Is my reminisceneces of ‘Madhavadhara visit’


As it was fully adventurous and tiresome 

The happiness I got in sharing 

These nostalgic memories 

Is quite galvanic 

And the fear of fading these

Is titanic

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